National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
United States Department of Commerce

What's New

January 03, 2017

The final version of the TPOS 2020 First Report is now available on the TPOS2020 website. The report rethinks the Tropical Pacific Observing System from top to bottom. It rises to the challenge of once-in-a-generation opportunity. The report provides initial recommendations and actions that begin a process of transformation and change to an observing system that will be more capable, resilient and effective. The report provides more than 20 recommendations for the observing system and key actions for implementation. One of the key recommendations include reconfiguring the moored array with more capable moorings, targeting the equatorial circulation, the mixed layer and its interaction with the atmosphere, and key regimes.

The scientific and sponsoring members of the TPOS 2020 aim to rejuvenate and revamp the Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS) to meet the observational, experimental, and operational needs of today and the future. The purpose of the TPOS 2020 project is oversee the transition to a more resilient and integrated observing system to meet the identified gaps as well as future needs as they are identified

PMEL in the News

January 17, 2017

Led by Dr. David Butterfield, JISAO, University of Washington, and Dr. William Chadwick, NOAA-PMEL and Oregon State University, the group returned to the Back-Arc for the second phase of a two-part exploration of the region. 

January 13, 2017

A Virginia-based scientist and her team ventured to the Antarctic Ocean last month on a mission to provide for the first time a fuller picture of rising carbon dioxide levels and ocean acidification related to climate change from below thick winter ice off the coast of Antarctica.

January 12, 2017

Significant melting of Arctic sea ice is linked to changing global weather patterns, but climate scientists still have a lot of unanswered questions. "The Arctic is changing fairly rapidly," NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Lab oceanographer Dr. James Overland said, citing the record low ice...