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Stock Assessment Results Archive

Parameters of all stocks View or right click Download

Select assessment year =
          data type = Stock time series data. or Age data (only half the stocks*)

   and which fish or crab stocks using check boxes below.

Then click or


Click on the stock name to view time series graphs from the fall 2015 stock assessment cycle.

Alaska Sablefish*
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Gulf of Alaska  
   Alaska plaice*
   Alaska skate*
   Arrowtooth flounder*
   Atka mackerel*
   Blackspotted rockfish*
   Flathead sole*
   Greenland turbot*
   Kamchatka flounder*
   Northern rock sole*
   Northern rockfish*
   Other flatfish
   Other rockfish
   Other skates
   Pacific cod AI
   Pacific cod EBS*
   Pacific ocean perch*
   Red king crab BRIST
   Snow crab EBS
   Shortraker rockfish
   Tanner crab EBS
   Walleye pollock AI*
   Walleye pollock BOG
   Walleye pollock EBS*
   Yellowfin sole*
   Arrowtooth flounder *
   Atka mackerel
   Big skates
   Blackspotted rockfish*
   Deep water flatfish
   Demersal shelf rockfish
   Dover sole*
   Dusky rockfish*
   Flathead sole*
   Longnose skate
   Northern rockfish*
   Northern rocksole*
   Other rockfish
   Other skates
   Pacific cod*
   Pacific ocean perch*
   Pollock SEO
   Pollock WCWYK*
   Rex sole
   Shallow water flatfish
   Shortraker rockfish
   Southern rocksole*
   Thornyhead rockfish

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