
Enhancing public awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the marine environment

3 teachers on a beach

For Teachers

The NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries aims to provide teachers with resources and training to support ocean literacy in America's classrooms.

students observing a teacher with a starfish

For Students

National marine sanctuaries are living classrooms that can be explored in person or through interactive digital labs and activities.

ocean guardian logo with sanctuary sam

Ocean Guardian Programs

Ocean Guardian programs encourage children to explore their natural surroundings to form a sense of personal connection to the ocean and/or watersheds in which they live.

kids and an adult in a kayak

Student Scholarships

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) offers many scholarships, internships, fellowships and post docs for undergraduate and graduate students.

kids and an adult in a kayak

Games and Activities

Games, coloring pages, and fun activities to help you learn about the National Marine Sanctuaries.

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Media Library

The Media Library is a comprehensive collection of public domain photographs and short video clips from all 14 national marine sanctuaries that NOAA manages.

photo montage of students

Education Strategic Plan

Learn more about our education vision and mission, and download our Education Strategic Plan 2010-2020.

Education at your Sanctuary


map highlighting sanctuary locations Thunder Bay Flower Garden Banks Stellwagen Bank Monitor Grey's Reef Florida Keys Channel Islands Monterey Bay Greater Farallones Cordell Bank Olympic Coast Papahanaumokuakea Hawaii Humpback Whales American Samoa

Find out what's happening in education at your local sanctuary