Photos & Videos

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Earth Is Blue

When astronauts first launched toward the moon and looked back at our planet for the first time, they made an unexpected discovery: Earth Is Blue. We will be sharing a photo each day and a video each week highlighting the wonder and beauty of these special places and the work we do to protect them.

Join us as we explore America's national marine sanctuaries and share your own images of our national marine sanctuaries using the hashtag #EarthIsBlue.

Stories from the Blue

Stories from the Blue celebrate the people at the center of national marine sanctuaries and marine national monuments.

What does the National Marine Sanctuary System mean to you?

screen capture of maps

Sanctuary Atlas Maps

Maps of national marine sanctuaries.

Sanctuaries Media Library

The National Marine Sanctuaries Media Library is an online vault where a comprehensive collection of public domain photographs and short video clips from all 14 marine protected areas that NOAA manages and NOAA Ocean Exploration and Research are stored and available for searchable access and download.

screen capture of the media library site