Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Case Study Series: Water Resource Strategies and Information Needs in Response to Extreme Weather/Climate Events

A case study series based on workshops in six communities that have experienced extreme events: floods, storms and derechos, sea level rise and storm surge, drought, and unseasonable frost.

The case studies highlight:

  • For utility managers: lessons learned on building resilience, including useful tools and data sources.
  • For policy makers and the research community: how water utilities plan, including information needs.
  • For communities: opportunities for dialogue.

Co-sponsored by:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Environmental Protection Agency, Water Environment Research Foundation, Water Research Foundation, Concurrent Technologies Corporation, and Noblis

Executive Summary of Lessons Learned

Summaries of the case study visits, lessons learned from the entire study and a list of Tools for Planning and Responding to Extreme Events are included here.  Individual case studies (also included in the first document) are listed and available for each site beneath that document for easy downloading.

Questions or comments?

Nancy Beller-Simms,

Lauren Fillmore,

Karen Metchis,

Kenan Ozekin,

Claudio Ternieden,

Erica Brown

Download the final report here.