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IUU Fishing - Feature Stories

Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing is a global problem that threatens ocean ecosystems and sustainable fisheries. NOAA Fisheries is committed to working with its domestic and international partners to address this global challenge. To learn more about IUU fishing visit our IUU overview and frequently asked questions pages.

Fighting for Global Sustainable Fisheries

Sept 17, 2013: Pacific countries work together to promote sustainable fisheries and address illegal fishing in the Coral Triangle - a global epicenter of marine biodiversity. Read more...
Seafood Trade To Go Electronic

July 8, 2013: Trade programs for seafood will be going electronic - simplifying trade and helping to ensure only legally caught product enters the U.S. market. Read more...
Strengthening U.S.-Russia Cooperation on Fisheries

Apr 29, 2013: NOAA and the Federal Agency for Fisheries of the Russian Federation sign Statement on Enhanced Fisheries Cooperation. Read more...
International Guidelines Target IUU Fishing

Mar 22, 2013: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations adopts guidelines aimed at combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. Read more...
U.S. and EU Tackle Illegal Fishing

Feb 12, 2013: The European Union and United States share a common vision for sustainable fisheries. Both governments are committed to continuing their joint effort to end IUU fishing. Read more...

A Global Perspective on Tackling Illegal Fishing

Feb 11, 2013: NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement works internationally to protect fishermen from IUU fishing that threatens their income and sustainability of their shared fishery resources. Read more...

NOAA Identifies Nations for IUU Fishing

Jan 11, 2013: To ensure the U.S. fishing industry isn’t undermined by unsustainable, illegal activities, NOAA submitted a report identifying 10 nations whose fishing vessels engaged  in IUU fishing. Read more...

Working Together to End IUU Fishing

Nov 2, 2012: Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing threatens the sustainability of our ocean ecosystems and fisheries. Combating IUU fishing is one of NOAA Fisheries’ top priorities. Read more...