Generosity Begins at Home

man and woman outsideWith the year coming to an end and the holidays upon us, I want to wish you and your family a healthy and safe holiday season.

This is a time of reflection for all of us. A time to embrace the season’s spirit of generosity and selflessness. We like to give to our loved ones and let them know how much we care. This year, while you do that, don’t forget to also show some love and generosity to yourself. Continue reading


A Call to Action during the ACA Women’s Week of Action

A group of three happy, senior African American women standing together at the park. Two of them are looking at the camera and laughing. The main focus is on the woman in the middle.

Women everywhere are living longer and working harder. Along with those realities comes a greater need to manage risks related to our health and financial futures. Both the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) and Social Security can help women manage those risks. During this week’s Affordable Care Act (ACA) Women’s Week of Action—November 9-13—we call each of you, women everywhere, to action. Continue reading
