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Recruitment Processes: Larval Population Processes Project

This project works on a variety of topics ranging from larval age and growth studies, mortality estimation, population genetics and juvenile fish ecology.

Larval age and growth studies

The age and growth component of the team studies various aspects of larval and juvenile otoliths (see images) to examine life history parameters of marine fishes such as growth (growth chart), spawning times (hatch date graph), transport (drift map), migration and mortality (mortality graph).

Representative papers:
  • PORTER, S.M., L. CIANELLI, N. HILLGRUBER, K.M. BAILEY, K.S. CHAN, M.F. CANINO, L.J. HALDORSON. 2005. Analysis of factors influencing larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma feeding in Alaskan waters. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 302: 207-217.
  • FITZGERALD, J. L., S. R. THORROLD, K. M. BAILEY, A. L. BROWN and K. P. SEVERIN. 2004. Elemental signatures in otoliths of larval walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) from the northeast Pacific Ocean. Fish. Bull. 102: 604-616.
  • THEILACKER, G.H. and W. SHEN. 2001. Evaluating growth of larval walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, using cell cycle analysis. Mar. Biol. 138: 897-907.
  • SUGISAKI, H., K.M. BAILEY and R. BRODEUR. 2001. Development of predator evasion behavior by larval walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). Mar. Biol. 139: 19-24.
  • BAILEY, K.M., A. BROWN, M. YOKLAVICH and K. MIER. 1996. Interannual variability of growth of larval and juvenile walleye pollock in the western Gulf of Alaska. Fish. Oceanogr. 5: 137-147. 5: 124-136.
  • BAILEY, K.M., S. PICQUELLE and S. SPRING. 1996. Mortality of larval walleye pollock in the western Gulf of Alaska, 1988-91. Fish. Oceanogr. 5: 124-136.
  • BAILEY, K.M., A. BROWN, A. NISHIMURA and M. REILLY. 1995. 3-D Imaging of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma otoliths: reconstruction from serial sections and fluorescent laser cytometry. J. Fish. Biol. 47: 671-678.
  • BAILEY, K.M. and A. MACKLIN. 1994. Analysis of patterns in larval walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma survival and wind mixing events in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska Marine Ecol. Prog. Ser. 113: 1-12.

Population genetics

This component works on population structure of pollock (genetic divergence graph) and cod, as well as issues involved in determining parentage of cannibalized atka mackerel eggs and identification of skate species.

Representative papers:
  • SPIES, I.B., S. GAICHAS, D.E. STEVENSON, J.W. ORR and M.F. CANINO. 2006. DNA-based identification of Alaska skates (Amblyraja, Bathyraja and Raja: Rajidae) using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (coI) variation. J. Fish Biol., 69(s. B), 283–292.
  • CANINO, M.F., P.T. O'REILLY, L. HAUSER and P. BENTZEN. 2005. Genetic differentiation in walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in response to selection at the pantophysin (PanI) locus. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 62, 2519–2529.
  • CANINO, M.F., I.B. SPIES and L. HAUSER. 2005. Development and characterization of novel di- and tetranucleotide microsatellite markers in Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus). Molecular Ecology Notes, 5, 908–910.
  • SPIES, I.B., S.A. LOWE, Y. HONG and M.F. CANINO. 2005. Development and characterization of seven novel di-, tri-, and tetranucleotide microsatellite markers in Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius). Molecular Ecology Notes, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 469-471 (September 2005).
  • CANINO, M.F., and P. BENTZEN. 2004. Evidence for positive selection at the pantophysin (Pan I) locus in walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 21, No. 7, pp. 1391-1400 (July 2004).
  • O'REILLY, P.T., M.F. CANINO, K.M. BAILEY and P. BENTZEN. 2004. Inverse relationship between FST and microsatellite polymorphism in the marine fish, walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma): implications for resolving weak population structure. Molecular Ecology, Volume 13, Issue 7, pp. 603-612 (July 2004).

Forage fish ecology

This component works on the ecology of forage fishes in the northern Gulf of Alaska, including studies of distribution, feeding and energetics, competition, and growth. Species of interest include capelin, eulachon and walleye pollock. For more information about this study visit the forage fish ecology page.

Representative papers:
  • MAZUR, M.M., M.T. WILSON, A.B. DOUGHERTY, A. BUCHHEISTER and D.A. BEAUCHAMP. 2007. Temperature and prey quality effects on growth of juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas): a spatially explicit bioenergetics approach. J. Fish Biol., 70, 816–836.
  • WILSON, M.T., C.M. JUMP and J.T. DUFFY-ANDERSON. 2006. Comparative analysis of the feeding ecology of two pelagic forage fishes: capelin (Mallotus villosus) and walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). Mar. Ecol.-Prog. Ser., 317, 245–258.
  • BUCHHEISTER, A., and M.T. WILSON. 2005. Shrinkage correction and length conversion equations for Theragra chalcogramma, Mallotus villosus and Thaleichthys pacificus. J. Fish. Biol., 67(2), 541–548.
  • WILSON, M.T., A.L. BROWN and K.L. MIER. 2005. Geographic variation among age-0 walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma): evidence of mesoscale variation in nursery quality? Fishery Bulletin, Vol. 103, No. 1, pp. 207-218 (January 2005).
  • BRODEUR, R.D., M.T. WILSON, L. CIANNELLI, M.J. DOYLE and J.M. NAPP. 2002. Interannual and regional variability in distribution and ecology of juvenile pollock and their prey in fronal structures of the Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Research, Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Vol. 49, Issue 26, pp. 6,051-6,067 (December 2002).

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