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Air Permits and Registrations

Requirements for New Source Review and Title V permits, and permitting requirements for grandfathered facilities. Pending and current permits.

Topics Under this Category

Air Dispersion Modeling
Data files and information on modeling for those who must have it done as part of their new source review air permit applications.
Air Permits to Construct: Before You Build
Information about working with the TCEQ before an air permit is issued.
Air Permits to Construct: Issued Permit
Basic information about working with the TCEQ after receiving an air permit.
Authorizations for Bioenergy Facilities
A definition of bioenergy, and the status of authorizations for bioenergy facilities pending action or approved.
Confidential Information in Air Permit Applications
Quotes the Texas Health and Safety Code (relating to confidential information), and describes for the user how to assure confidentiality.
Consultant Resources
Provides a list of consultants who have made it known they are in the business of consulting on TCEQ air permit applications.
Contact Information for Air Permit Applications
List of TCEQ program areas with phone numbers and Web pages.
Local Air Pollution Control Programs
List of each local air pollution control program in Texas, with addresses and phone numbers.