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Silver Jackets Program

Local, State and Federal partners sign the Tennessee Silver Jackets Charter on Sep. 23, 2014. The National Silver Jackets program is a formal collaboration of state-led interagency teams that look at ways to reduce the risks associated with flooding and other natural disasters across the state. Through the Silver Jacket program, the Corps of Engineers in association with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Flood Insurance Program Coordinator, the State Haazard Mitigation Officer, and additional federal, state, sometimes local agencies, and tibal nations leverage agency resources, improve communication including data/information, expertise, and preventing duplication of effort.

Click on the Tennessee Silver Jackets logo below to view meeting notes, presentations and other documents.

                    Tennessee Silver Jackets logo. By clicking on this logo, you can view meeting notes, presentations, and other documents.               

Click here to view the Tennessee Silver Jackets Charter (signed Sept. 23, 2014 (1.5 MB PDF))

The primary goals of the Silver Jackets program are to: 
    ■ Create or supplement a mechanism to collaboratively identify, prioritize, and address risk management issues and implement solutions
    ■ Increase and improve risk communication through a unified interagency effort
    ■ Leverage information and resources and provide access to such national programs as FEMA's Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning (Risk MAP) program and the Corps of Engineers Levee Inventory and Assessment Initiative
    ■ Provide focused, coordinated hazard mitigation assistance in implementing high-priority actions such as those identified by state mitigation plans
    ■ Identify gaps among agency programs and/or barriers to implementation, such as conflicting agency policies or authorities, and provide recommendations for addressing these issues.