Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The NOAA web portal provides science and information for a climate-smart nation.  Americans’ health, security, and economic well-being are closely linked to climate and weather.  People want and need information to help them make decisions on how to manage climate-related risks and opportunities they face.

NOAA is a source of timely and authoritative scientific data and information about climate.  Our goals are to promote public understanding of climate science and climate-related events, to make our data products and services easy to access and use, to provide climate-related support to the private sector and the Nation’s economy, and to serve people making climate-related decisions with tools and resources that help them answer specific questions.

Each of the tabs in NOAA is designed to serve a different audience: 

  1. News & Features is a popular-style magazine for the science-interested public covering topics in climate science, adaptation, and mitigation. Visit the section…
  2. Maps & Data is a gateway for scientists and specialists to find and use climate maps and data for research and analysis. Visit the section…
  3. Teaching Climate offers learning activities and curriculum materials, multi-media resources, and professional development opportunities for formal and informal educators who want to incorporate climate science into their work. Visit the section…
  4. Supporting Decisions is a clearinghouse of reports, resources, and decision-support tools for planners and policy leaders who want authoritative climate science information to help them understand and manage climate-related risks and opportunities.  Visit the section...

About Outreach & Education

Climate outreach and education activities are conducted by the CPO Communication, Education and Engagement (CEE) Division, which supports both the Climate Program Office and the cross-agency Climate Mission.  In response to public demand, the CommEd team provides climate data and information to help build a climate-smart, resilient nation.  Our goal is to foster a climate-literate public that understands its vulnerabilities to a changing climate and makes informed decisions.  Learn more...

Upcoming Events