Wednesday, January 18, 2017


2012-2016 Meetings and Workshops Hosted by MAPP

December 5, 2016  S2S Prediction Task Force Kickoff Meeting

Location: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Campus of Columbia University, Palisades, New York

Organizers: S2S Prediction Task Force

Purpose: To bring national and international visibility to the Task Force, facilitate planning of Task Force activities, and allow the different projects to identify points of collaboration.
August 31 and September 8, 2016  MAPP-COLA and MAPP-GFDL Workshop

Location: NOAA, Silver Spring, Maryland

Organizers: NOAA OAR CPO MAPP Program

Purpose: To promote coordination and communication of activities within NOAA Research, as well as with the National Weather Service.
 August 10-11, 2016 Forecasting ENSO Impacts on Marine Ecosystems of the U.S. West Coast

Location: San Diego, CA

Organizers: Heather Benway (OCB Program), Mike Patterson (US CLIVAR), Jill Reisdorf (UCAR), Kristan Uhlenbrock (US CLIVAR); NOAA Climate Program Office MAPP Program (co-sponsor)

Purpose: To develop a framework for predicting changes in the West Coast marine ecosystem using ENSO forecasts and to identify research needs to address gaps in information and data. 
March 9-10, 2016  U.S. Climate Modeling Summit

Location: Washington, DC

Organizers: USGCRP Interagency Group on Integrative Modeling (IGIM) 

Purpose: To facilitate enhanced coordination on CMIP or other coordinated modeling activities, and opportunities and challenges for modeling with high resolution and advanced physical representation.
 February 2-4, 2016 Sea Ice Modeling Workshop

Location: NCAR Center Green Campus, Boulder, Colorado

Organizers: Marika Holland (NCAR), Janet Intrieri (NOAA OAR ESRL), Rick Allard (NRL), Rob Grumbine (NOAA NWS), Cecilia Bitz (UW), Eugene Petrescu (NOAA NWS AR), Annarita Mariotti (NOAA OAR CPO)

Purpose: To review candidate models and criteria for selecting a community sea ice model for the Next Generation Global Prediction System, a planned NWS unified system for weather to climate prediction co-sponsored by the MAPP program, as well as to discuss potential research and development opportunities and gaps. 
 September 30-October 2, 2015 Workshop on High-Resolution Coupling and Initialization to Improve Predictability and Predictions in Climate Models

Location: NCWCP Conference Center, College Park, Maryland

Organizers: Brian Medeiros (NCAR), Shian Jiann Lin (NOAA/GFDL), Bill Putman (NASA), Travis O'Brien (LBNL), Steve Klein (LLNL), Jim Kinter (COLA/GMU), Steve Penny (UMD/NCEP), Annarita Mariotti (NOAA/CPO), Renu Joseph (DOE)

Purpose: Enhance communication among the initialized simulation communities, summarize the current status of the research, and to probe a potential experimental framework that would optimally address major pressing questions in the context of available computing resources   
 July 28, 2015 Science Webinar: Ten Years Since Hurricane Katrina - Progress in Hurricane Modeling, Prediction, Decision Support, and Coastal Resilience

Location: Department of Commerce, Washington, DC and WebEx virtual participation

Organizers: Climate Program Office, NOAA Communications, NWS, NESDIS, NOS, and NMFS

Purpose: Present up-to-date science information on advancements since Hurricane Katrina in hurricane forecasting and seasonal prediction, satellite improvements, and lessons learned from Katrina for coastal resiliency to the scientific community and non-technical public. 
May 4-5, 2015 NOAA Climate Reanalysis Task Force Technical Workshop

Location: NCWCP Conference Center, College Park, Maryland

Organizers: Jim Carton (University of Maryland), Gilbert Compo (University of Colorado/CIRES & ESRL/PSD), Arun Kumar (NOAA/CPC), Suru Saha (NOAA/NCEP/EMC), Heather Archambault (NOAA/CPO)

Purpose: Highlight advancements across NOAA, university and international efforts, identify gaps, and improve coordination of future activities to meet the requirements of the diverse array of users of reanalyses. 

View the Workshop Report (OAR Technical Report)
March 30-31, 2015 
NMME Sub-seasonal Forecast System Exploratory Workshop

Location: NCWCP Conference Center, College Park, Maryland

Organizers: Jin Huang (NOAA/CTB), Annarita Mariotti (NOAA/CPO/MAPP), Kathy Pegion (George Mason University), Ben Kirtman (University of Miami), Siegfried Schubert (NASA), Dan Eleuterio (Navy), Bill Merryfield (Environment Canada)

Purpose: Explore opportunities and feasibility to evolve the seasonal NMME-Phase II system into a system able to meet operational requirements and user needs for shorter lead times of several weeks, and to design the protocol and experiments for a potential NMME sub-seasonal forecast system.
February 11, 2015
U.S. Climate Modeling Summit

Location: NCWCP Conference Center, College Park, Maryland

Organizers: USGCRP Interagency Group on Integrative Modeling (IGIM), NOAA/OAR/Climate Program Office

Purpose: Enhance strategic planning, communication, and organization with unique roles for each modeling group toward a common national climate modeling strategy. 
September 30-October 2, 2014
Climate Prediction Task Force Virtual Workshop on Bias Corrections in Subseasonal to Interannual Predictions

Location: WebEx Virtual Workshop

Organizers: Ben Kirtman (University of Miami), Arun Kumar (NOAA/CPC), Matt Newman (NOAA/ESRL), Tony Barnston (IRI)

Purpose: Review current practices and challenges in bias correcting sub-seasonal to interannual predictions and to foster new strategies, particularly for non-stationary prediction systems.
 November 30, 2012 GFDL-NCEP Ocean Modeling Meeting

Location: NCWCP Conference Center, College Park, Maryland

Organizers: CPO/MAPP, GFDL, NCEP

Purpose: Provide a working level opportunity for GFDL and NCEP to share knowledge as well as plans and directions for state-of-the-art ocean modeling at each institution, with a focus on ocean modeling in NOAA's operational activities and advanced scientific understanding of the coupled climate system. A potential goal of the discussion was to emerge with targeted working-level partnerships and next steps. 
October 25-26, 2012  Drought Task Force Year 1 Meeting
Location: Hilton Fort Collins, Fort Collins, Colorado

Organizers: Drought Task Force

Purpose: Opportunity for the Drought Task Force to present its research work, make connections with other scientists and stakeholders, and plan future activities (a work plan for Year 2 and a vision for Year 3). 

The Modeling, Analysis, Predictions, and Projections (MAPP) Program's mission is to enhance the Nation's capability to understand and predict natural variability and changes in Earth's climate system. The MAPP Program supports development of advanced climate modeling technologies to improve simulation of climate variability, prediction of future climate variations from weeks to decades, and projection of long-term future climate conditions. To achieve its mission, the MAPP Program supports research focused on the coupling, integration, and application of Earth system models and analyses across NOAA, among partner agencies, and with the external research community.

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Download our program brochure (pdf). 

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