Introducing Green Infrastructure for Coastal Resilience

Course Description

Natural and nature-based green infrastructure practices can play a critical role in making coastal communities more resilient to natural hazards. In this introductory course, participants review fundamental concepts and examine various practices. Local speakers share their expertise and the ways these techniques have been integrated into local planning processes.

Course participants from land use planning, conservation planning, hazard mitigation, stormwater management, floodplain management, and local government departments will make valuable connections with new and experienced practitioners who are moving green infrastructure projects forward in their communities.

You will learn how to

  • Differentiate green infrastructure terms and concepts
  • Identify the ecological, economic, and societal benefits of green infrastructure
  • Recognize the wide variety of scales of approaches referred to as “green infrastructure”
  • Identify new or existing planning processes suitable for integrating green infrastructure techniques
  • Connect with local green infrastructure activities and experts


Six hours of certification maintenance credits for this course have been approved by the American Institute of Certified Planners. Five core continuing education credits have been approved for certified floodplain managers.

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