Generosity Begins at Home

man and woman outsideWith the year coming to an end and the holidays upon us, I want to wish you and your family a healthy and safe holiday season.

This is a time of reflection for all of us. A time to embrace the season’s spirit of generosity and selflessness. We like to give to our loved ones and let them know how much we care. This year, while you do that, don’t forget to also show some love and generosity to yourself. Continue reading


Obamacare Offers New Protections for LGBTQ Americans

LGBTQ week of actionAs we celebrate LGBTQ Enrollment Week of Action, millions of Americans—including many LGBTQ people—are already covered by health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act. And millions more can get covered before January 31, 2017.

For many in the LGBTQ community, access to health care might not seem like much of a priority. But health is an LGBTQ equality issue. Why? Because the LGBTQ community faces health disparities in areas like obesity, smoking, cancer screening, and HIV. LGBTQ people are disproportionately likely to be uninsured and to face discrimination by health care providers when in need of care. Continue reading


Thankful for Access to Healthcare


Thanksgiving is the time we reflect on what we’re thankful for. As it happens, this is also open enrollment season for the Affordable Care Act. Embracing the spirit of both events, I’m thankful for access to quality, affordable healthcare and for my son’s health. Continue reading


Honoring and Supporting Caregivers in the Month of November

A happy senior African American couple outside a car. The man is sitting in a wheelchair and his wife is standing beside him with her arm around his shoulder.

I was supporting a friend — just doing my thing and someone told me I was a “C-A-R-E-G-I-V-E-R”.  So I was a caregiver this whole time without even realizing it and, on top of that, without realizing the challenges that people deal with when they’re really sick. Now, I’m ready to do something about this … — Marilyn Continue reading


A Call to Action during the ACA Women’s Week of Action

A group of three happy, senior African American women standing together at the park. Two of them are looking at the camera and laughing. The main focus is on the woman in the middle.

Women everywhere are living longer and working harder. Along with those realities comes a greater need to manage risks related to our health and financial futures. Both the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) and Social Security can help women manage those risks. During this week’s Affordable Care Act (ACA) Women’s Week of Action—November 9-13—we call each of you, women everywhere, to action. Continue reading
