Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Coordinated Global Daily Precipitation Analysis

The Coordinated Global Daily Precipitation Analysis NACSP Focus Area will provide a coordinated North American and global daily precipitation analysis product for use in environmental prediction systems and for quantitative precipitation forecast verification on North American and global scale. Objectives of this activity are:

  • Coordination of observations: Gather information on existing observational networks in North America which provide information on precipitation and find a reliable mechanism for sharing observations from these networks between the three countries.
  • Coordination of skill assessment: Develop a methodology and dataset for assessing the skill of North American and global precipitation analysis systems being used by the three countries.
  • Coordination of methodology: Agree upon and implement an algorithm, which can be used to obtain a coordinated North American and global daily precipitation analysis.
  • Coordination of services: Ensure that the coordinated global analysis meets the operational requirements of other focus area in the North American Climate Services Partnership and is available in a convenient and timely manner to end-users.


About the North American Climate Services Partnership (NACSP)

The NACSP is an innovative trilateral partnership between the U.S., Mexico and Canada. This partnership was established to respond to an increasing demand for accessible and timely scientific data and information in order to make informed decisions and build resilience in our communities.


United States: Meredith Muth
Mexico: Martin Ibarra
Canada: Chantale Cote