Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Environmental Assistance for Salvage Yards

Salvage yards in Idaho are impacted by various environmental regulations depending on the activities conducted at the yard.

Air Quality Regulations

Salvage yards conduct several activities that can potentially emit air pollutants into the atmosphere and, therefore, may be regulated by state and federal regulations. Such activities can include the use of waste oil burners, refrigerant evacuation, open burning, and odors generated from residual fuel handling. 

Open Burning of Trade Waste or Demolition Debris is Prohibited

DEQ's Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho, IDAPA prohibit open burning of "trade waste." For business operators and owners, trade waste includes all waste materials generated while operating a business in Idaho.

Use of Used Oil Burners is a Regulated Activity

Depending on the heat rating of your used oil burner and the source of your used oil, you may need permitting, oil testing, or other periodic documentation. DEQ's Rules for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho, IDAPA list specific requirements to ensure compliance.

Odors Must Be Controlled

IDAPA limits the emission of odorous gases, liquids, or solids to quantities below levels that would cause air pollution.

Refrigerants Must Be Recovered

Under the federal Clean Air Act, it is illegal to vent any ozone depleting substance or its substitute; refrigerants should be recovered into a registered recovery device.  This requirement is administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Hazardous Waste Requirements

Salvage yards typically generate hazardous wastes through the variety of services they offer. Used batteries, antifreeze, mercury switches, oil, solvents, and other waste fluids are just a few examples of wastes that need to be handled and managed properly.  Management of hazardous waste is regulated by the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which is administered by DEQ.  The types and number of requirements that must be complied with are based on the quantity and type of waste generated.

Solid Waste Regulations

Salvage yards that generate waste tires are required to store, transport, and dispose of the tires properly.

Water Quality Regulations

Salvage yards can impact Idaho's surface and ground waters and may be subject to state water quality standards and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting program. Under this program, the (EPA) regulates the discharge of pollutants into any water body of the U.S., including storm water sewer systems.  As a result, salvage yards may be required to have an industrial storm water permit.  If the auto salvage yard is located within a city that has an NPDES permit, the shop may be subject to the city's pretreatment and storm water requirements.