What’s holding back the private sector in MENA?
The report analyzes detailed information on more than 6,000 firms in the manufacturing and services sectors and addresses four issues that are at the heart of private sector development in the MENA region. Learn more »

Enterprise Surveys offers an expansive array of economic data on 125,000 firms in 139 countries. Learn more »

Enterprise Surveys offers an expansive array of economic data on 125,000 firms in 139 countries. Learn more »

Enterprise Surveys offers an expansive array of economic data on 125,000 firms in 139 countries. Learn more »

Enterprise Surveys offers an expansive array of economic data on 125,000 firms in 139 countries. Learn more »


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Data Updates

  • Enterprise Surveys Updates

    The Enterprise Surveys team has released three new surveys from West Africa: Cameroon, Guinea, and Togo. In addition to the core topics covered in our standard surveys, these three new surveys include additional questions on the degree of competition, finance, mobile money, microfinance, and labor. Panel data from the El Salvador 2006-2010-2016 surveys have also been added to the portal.

    All raw survey data sets are available in the data portal. The status of several Enterprise Surveys can be found on the current projects page.

What’s Holding Back the Private Sector in MENA? Lessons from the Enterprise Survey

  • MENA business climate

    This report presents the findings of Enterprise Surveys conducted in eight economies in the region in 2013 and 2014: Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, the West Bank and Gaza, and Yemen. By analyzing detailed information on more than 6,000 private firms in the manufacturing and services sectors, the report provides fine-grained insights into the key drivers of firms’ performance and the major challenges of the business environment in which they operate.

    View main findings and download the report
    Infographic (PDF)

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LAC Notes

  • Enterprise Surveys Topic Analysis

    These Notes focus on what businesses experience in the Latin America and Caribbean Region (LAC). The nine notes build upon the Enterprise Survey roll-out in 2010 which included 31 countries in the region, 15 of which had previously been surveyed in 2006. These notes provide a comprehensive analysis of several important aspects of the business environment and how these conditions associate with business outcomes in the region.

    View all LAC Notes

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