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Structure Of the Economy
Human Capital
Labor Market Institutions
Regulations and Business Environment

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New firms created per 1000 working age adults (average across countries)
2.8 3.8
Weeks of severance pay (average across countries)
Working days of paid annual leave (average across countries)

Popular Indicators

Total global employment (million)
2,290 3,114
Share of employed in wage employment
69.7% 76.1%
Youth unemployment (average across countries)
16.9% 13.9%

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Source: International Labour Organization, Key Indicators of the Labour Market database

Source: International Labour Organization, Key Indicators of the Labour Market database

Source: World Bank's Entrepreneurship Survey and database

Multi-dimensional Dynamic Data Visualizer

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Self employment falls while new business density rises with income

Bubble Size: New business,density
Source: World Bank's Entrepreneurship Survey and database