5 Ways a Military OneSource Health and Wellness Coach Can Improve Your Life

Woman lifting weights with a man coaching her

Waking up exhausted or feeling like you aren't getting anywhere when you try to lose weight or get in shape can really weigh on your mind. If only there was an easier way to learn to manage stress or a health condition or stay in shape. Wait — there is an easier way!

If you're ready to make some life changes, a Military OneSource health and wellness coach can help you set goals and create a plan to reach them.

Who’s eligible for health and wellness coaching?


more about what health and wellness coaching can do for you.

The Military OneSource Health and Wellness Coaching Program is a free resource for eligible service members (regardless of activation status) including:

  • Active duty
  • National Guard
  • Reserve members
  • Family members and survivors of active-duty, National Guard and reserve members

What topics and goals do health and wellness coaches support?

Health and wellness coaches provide information, support, encouragement and accountability on specific topics, including:

  • Weight management
  • Fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Health condition management
  • Stress management
  • Life transitions

Life happens, but having a plan can sometimes make major adjustments easier. A Military OneSource health and wellness coach can help you make a plan before or during those life transitions when you’re adapting to changes such as deployment, moving, becoming a new parent or retirement.

How can a health and wellness coach help me improve my life?

We all have those lazy moments or the “too tired ... too busy” ones, but with a coach in your corner, you can learn to get past the excuses and reach your goals. The top five ways a health and wellness coach can improve your life are by helping to:

  • Clarify your focus (identify your beliefs, values and vision, and goals)
  • Set you up for success (create an action plan to achieve your goals)
  • Prepare you for the unexpected (eliminate roadblocks or barriers that stand in the way)
  • Keep you on course (hold you accountable for your goals)
  • Celebrate your achievements (acknowledge your hard work when you reach your goal)

You can be more successful in reaching your maximum potential when you have a coach cheering you on. Military OneSource health and wellness coaches are ready to be your personal cheerleader.

How do I get started with a health and wellness coach?

Call 800-342-9647 to sign up for health and wellness coaching sessions. You can choose from three Health and Wellness Coaching Program session options:

  • Phone
  • Secure, real-time online chat
  • Secure, real-time video session

If you prefer to work without a coach, visit the United States Department of Agriculture SuperTracker to try a self-directed online program that tracks things like nutrition and exercise.

You’re one call away from starting to live a healthier life. Call today for the information, support, encouragement and accountability a Military OneSource health and wellness coach can give you.


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