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New Publications by AFSC Authors

50 citations most recently added to the Pubs Database:

  • KELLER, K., K. BROWN, S. ATKINSON, and R. STONE. 2017. Guide for identifying select bivalve species common to southeast Alaska. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-341, 25 p.   Online.  (added 1-18-17).
  • STONE R. P., MALECHA P. W., and MASUDA M. M. 2017. A five-year, in situ growth study on shallow-water populations of the gorgonian octocoral Calcigorgia spiculifera in the Gulf of Alaska. PLoS ONE 12(1):e0169470. journal.pone.0169470   Online.  (added 1-13-17).
  • VEGA, S. L., T. M. SUTTON, and J. M. MURPHY. 2017. Marine-entry timing and growth rates of juvenile chum salmon in Alaskan waters of the Chukchi and northern Bering seas. Deep-Sea Res. II 135:137-144.   Online.  (added 1-13-17).
  • HIMES-CORNELL, A., and A. N. SANTOS. 2017. Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2013. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-340, 195 p.  Online.  (added 1-5-17).
  • De ROBERTIS, A., TAYLOR, K., WILSON, C., and FARLEY, E. 2017. Abundance and distribution of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and other pelagic fishes over the U.S. Continental Shelf of the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas. Deep-Sea Res. II, 135:51-65.  Online.  (added 1-4-17).
  • De ROBERTIS, A., TAYLOR, K., WILLIAMS, K., and WILSON, C. D. 2017. Species and size selectivity of two midwater trawls used in an acoustic survey of the Alaska Arctic. Deep-Sea Res. II 135:40-50.  Online.  (added 1-4-17).
  • WHITEHOUSE G. A., T. W. BUCKLEY, and S. L. DANIELSON. 2017. Diet compositions and trophic guild structure of the eastern Chukchi Sea demersal fish community. Deep-Sea Res. II 135:95-110.  Online.  (added 1-4-17).
  • FARLEY, E., R. A. HEINTZ, A. G. ANDREWS and T. P. HURST. 2016. Size, diet, and condition of age-0 Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) during warm and cool climate states in the eastern Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Res. II. 134:247-254.   Online.  (added 1-4-17).
  • HURST, T. P., B. J. LAUREL, J. T. MATHIS, and L. R. TOBOSA. 2016. Influence of elevated CO2 levels on eggs and larvae of a North Pacific flatfish. 73:981-990. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 73:981-990.   Online.  (added 1-4-17).
  • HURST, T. P. 2016. Shallow-water habitat use of Bering Sea flatfishes along the central Alaska Peninsula. J. Sea Res.111:37-46.   Online.  (added 1-4-17).
  • RONE, B. K., A. N. ZERBINI, A. B. DOUGLAS, D. W. WELLER, and P. J. CLAPHAM. 2016. Abundance and distribution of cetaceans in the Gulf of Alaska. Mar. Biol. 164:23.   Online.  (added 1-4-17).
  • STEVENSON, D. E., and R. R. LAUTH. 2012. Latitudinal trends and temporal shifts in the catch composition of bottom trawls conducted on the eastern Bering Sea shelf. Deep-Sea Res. II 65–70:251-259.   Online.  (added 12-12-16).
  • VAN DER SLEEN, P., M. P. DZAUGIS, C. GENTRY, W. P. HALL, V. HAMILTON, T. E. HELSER, M. E. MATTA, C. A. UNDERWOOD, R. ZUERCHER, and B. A. BLACK. 2016. Long-term Bering Sea environmental variability revealed by a centennial-length biochronology of Pacific ocean perch Sebastes alutus. Climate Res. 71:33-45.   Online.  (added 12-7-16).
  • MATTA, M. E., T. E. HELSER, and B. A. BLACK. 2016. Otolith biochronologies reveal latitudinal differences in growth of Bering Sea yellowfin sole Limanda aspera. Polar Biol. 1-13.  Online.  (added 12-7-16).
  • KASTELLE, C. R., T. E. HELSER, J. L. MCKAY, C. G. JOHNSTON, D. M. ANDERL, M. E. MATTA, and D. G. NICHOL. 2017. Age validation of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) using high-resolution stable oxygen isotope (δ18O) chronologies in otoliths. Fish. Res. 185:43-53.   Online.  (added 12-7-16).
  • GARVIN, M. R., W. D. TEMPLIN, A. J. GHARRETT, N. DECOVICH, C. M. KONDZELA, J. R. GUYON, and M. V. MCPHEE. 2016. Potentially adaptive mitochondrial haplotypes as a tool to identify divergent nuclear loci. Methods Ecol. Evol. Early Online.   Online.  (added 12-7-16).
  • GARDNER, J. R., J. W. ORR, D. E. STEVENSON, I. SPIES, and D. A. SOMERTON. 2016. Reproductive parasitism between distant phyla: Molecular identification of snailfish (Liparidae) egg masses in the gill cavities of king crabs (Lithodidae). Copeia 104:645-657.   Online.  (added 12-7-16).
  • ORR, J. W. 2016. Two new species of snailfishes of the genus Careproctus (Liparidae) from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Copeia 104:890-896.   Online.  (added 12-7-16).
  • BARTON, M.B., J. R. MORAN, J. J. VOLLENWEIDER, R A. HEINTZ, and K. M. BOSWELL. 2016. Latitudinal dependence of body condition, growth rate, and stable isotopes of juvenile capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Polar Biol. Early online.  Online.  (added 11-29-16).
  • RODGVELLER, C. J., C. A. TRIBUZIO, P. W. MALECHA, and C. R. LUNSFORD. 2017. Feasibility of using pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) to monitor vertical movement of a Sebastes: a case study. Fish. Res. 187:96-102.   Online.  (added 11-28-16).
  • EICH, A.M., K.R. MABRY, S.K. WRIGHT, and S.M. FITZGERALD. 2016. Seabird bycatch and mitigation efforts in Alaska fisheries Summary Report: 2007 through 2015. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/AKR-12, 47 p.   Online.  (added 11-23-16).
  • GROVES, P. A., B. ALCORN, M. M. WIEST, and J. M. MASELKO. 2016. Testing unmanned aircraft systems for salmon spawning surveys. Facets I: 187-204.   Online.  (added 11-22-16).
  • BANAS, N. S., E. F. MØLLER, T. G. NIELSEN, and L. B. EISNER. 2016. Copepod life strategy and population viability in response to prey timing and temperature: Testing a new model across latitude, time, and the size spectrum. Front. Mar. Sci. 3:225. 10.3389/fmars.2016.00225   Online.  (added 11-18-16).
  • NOTARBARTOLO DI SCIARA, G., M. CASTELLOTE, J.-N. DRUON, and S. PANIGADA. 2016. Fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus: at home in a changing Mediterranean Sea? p. 75-101. In G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, M. Podestà, and B. E. Curry (editors), Mediterranean Marine Mammal Ecology and Conservation. Academic Press.   (added 11-16-16).
  • DAHLHEIM, M., and M. CASTELLOTE. 2016. Changes in the acoustic behavior of gray whales Eschrichtius robustus in response to noise. Endang. Spec. Res. 31:227-242. Early online.   Online.  (added 11-16-16).
  • PINCHUK, A. I., and L. B. EISNER. 2016. Spatial heterogeneity in zooplankton summer distribution in the eastern Chukchi Sea in 2012–2013 as a result of large-scale interactions of water masses. Deep Sea Res. II. Early online.   Online.  (added 11-16-16).
  • PITCHER, C. R., N. ELLIS, S. JENNINGS, J. G. HIDDINK, T. MAZOR, M. J. KAISER, M. I. KANGAS, R. A. McCONNAUGHEY, A. M. PARMA, A. D. RIJNSDORP, P. SUURONEN, J. COLLIE, R. AMOROSO, K. M. HUGHES, and R. HILBORN. 2016. Estimating the sustainability of towed fishing-gear impacts on seabed habitats: a simple quantitative risk assessment method applicable to data-limited fisheries. Methods Ecol. Evol. Early online.   Online.  (added 11-16-16).
  • WATSON J. T., and A. C. HAYNIE. 2016. Using vessel monitoring system data to identify and characterize trips made by fishing vessels in the United States North Pacific. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0165173.   Online.  (added 11-9-16).
  • STEVENSON, D. E., K. L. WEINBERG, and R. R. LAUTH. 2016. Estimating confidence in trawl efficiency and catch quantification for the eastern Bering Sea shelf survey. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-335, 51 p. Online (.pdf, 1.5 MB).  Online.  (added 11-9-16).
  • STEVENSON, D. E., M. MOON, M. RICKETT, and M. VECHTER. 2016. Species identification in the North Pacific Observer Program: Training, protocols, and data monitoring. AFSC Processed Rep. 2016-04, 37 p. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115.   Online.  (added 11-8-16).
  • MILLER, K., D. NEFF, K. HOWARD, and J. MURPHY. 2016. Spatial distribution, diet, and nutritional status of juvenile Chinook salmon and other fishes in the Yukon River estuary. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-334, 103 p.  Online.  (added 11-3-16).
  • MURPHY, J. M., K. G. HOWARD, J. C. GANN, K. C. CIECIEL, W. D. TEMPLIN, and C. M. GUTHRIE III. Juvenile Chinook salmon abundance in the northern Bering Sea: Implications for future returns and fisheries in the Yukon River. Deep Sea Res. II . Early online.   Online.  (added 11-2-16).
  • SEUNG, C., B. MUSE, and E. WATERS. 2016. Net Economic Impacts of Recent Alaska Salmon Fishery Failures and Federal Relief. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 36:351–362.  Online.  (added 10-27-16).
  • SEUNG, C., and J. IANELLI. 2016. Regional economic impacts of climate change: a computable general equilibrium analysis for an Alaska fishery Natural Resource Modeling. Vol 29 (2): 289-333.  Online.  (added 10-27-16).
  • SEUNG, C. 2016. Identifying channels of economic impacts: An inter-regional structural path analysis for Alaska fisheries. Marine Policy 66: 39-49.  Online.  (added 10-27-16).
  • WOILLEZ, M., P. D. WALLINE, J. N. IANELLI, M. W. DORN, C. D. WILSON, and A. E. PUNT. 2016. Evaluating total uncertainty for biomass- and abundance-at-age estimates from eastern Bering Sea walleye pollock acoustic-trawl surveys. ICES J. Mar. Sci.:73:2208-2226.  Online.  (added 10-27-16).
  • THORSON, J. T., A. RINDORF, J. GAO, D. H. HANSELMAN, H. WINKER. 2016. Density-dependent changes in effective area occupied for sea-bottom-associated marine fishes. Proc. R. Soc. B 283: 20161853.  Online.  (added 10-27-16).
  • KAISER, M. J., HILBORN, R., JENNINGS, S., AMAROSO, R., ANDERSEN, M., BALLIET, K., BARRATT, E., BERGSTAD, O. A., BISHOP, S., BOSTROM, J. L., BOYD, C., BRUCE, E. A., BURDEN, M., CAREY, C., CLERMONT, J., COLLIE, J. S., DELAHUNTY, A., DIXON, J., EAYRS, S., EDWARDS, N., FUJITA, R., GAUVIN, J., GLEASON, M., HARRIS, B., HE, P., HIDDINK, J. G., HUGHES, K. M., INOSTROZA, M., KENNY, A., KRITZER, J., KUNTZSCH, V., LASTA, M., LOPEZ, I., LOVERIDGE, C., LYNCH, D., MASTERS, J., MAZOR, T., McCONNAUGHEY, R. A., MOENNE, M., FRANCIS, NIMICK, A. M., OLSEN, A., PARKER, D., PARMA, A., PENNEY, C., PIERCE, D., PITCHER, R., POL, M., RICHARDSON, E., RIJNSDORP, A. D., RILATT, S., RODMELL, D. P., ROSE, C., SETHI, S. A., SHORT, K., SUURONEN, P., TAYLOR, E., WALLACE, S., WEBB, L., WICKHAM, E., WILDING, S. R., WILSON, A., WINGER, P. AND SUTHERLAND, W. J. 2016. Prioritization of knowledge-needs to achieve best practices for bottom trawling in relation to seabed habitats. Fish Fish. 17: 637–663.   Online.  (added 10-26-16).
  • WALLMO, K., K. D. BISACK, D. K. LEW, AND D. E. SQUIRES (editors). 2016. The economics of protected marine species: Concepts in research and management. Lausanne: Frontiers Media.   Online.  (added 10-26-16).
  • WILLIAMS, B. C., G. H. KRUSE, and M. W. DORN. 2016. Interannual and spatial variability in maturity of walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus and implications for spawning stock biomass estimates in the Gulf of Alaska. PLoS ONE 11:e0164797.   Online.  (added 10-26-16).
  • SMITH, K. R. 2016. Reconciling ambiguity resulting from inconsistent taxonomic classification of marine fauna assessed in the field: Querying a database to reclassify by lowest accountable inclusive taxon (LAIT). U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-333, 57 p.   Online.  (added 10-24-16).
  • STEVICK, P. T., S. D. BERROW, M. BÉRUBÉ, L. BOUVERET, F. BROMS, B. JANN, A. KENNEDY, P. LÓPEZ SUÁREZ, M. MEUNIER, C. RYAN, and F. WENZEL. 2016. There and back again: Multiple and return exchange of humpback whales between breeding habitats separated by an ocean basin. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc.U.K. 96(Special Issue 04):885-890.   Online.  (added 10-24-16).
  • RUEDIG, E., C. DUNCAN, B. DICKERSON, M. WILLIAMS, T. GELATT, J. BELL, and T. E. JOHNSON. 2016. Fukushima derived radiocesium in subsistence-consumed northern fur seal and wild celery. J. Environ. Radioactiv. 152:1-7.   Online.  (added 10-24-16).
  • MOONEY, T. A., M. CASTELLOTE, L. QUAKENBUSH, R. HOBBS, C. GOERTZ, and E. GAGLIONE. 2016. Measuring hearing in wild beluga whales, p. 729-735. In A. N. Popper and A. Hawkins (editors). Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.  (added 10-24-16).
  • McHURON, E. A., S. H. PETERSON, J. T. ACKERMAN, S. R. MELIN, J. D. HARRIS, and D. P. COSTA. 2016. Effects of age, colony, and sex on mercury concentrations in California sea lions. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 70(1):46-55.  Online.  (added 10-24-16).
  • MAGLIO, A., G. PAVAN, M. CASTELLOTE, and S. FREY. 2016. Overview of the noise hotspots in the ACCOBAMS area. Part 1 - Mediterranean Sea. Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea Mediterranean Sea and Contigous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS) (Technical Report) 45 p.  (added 10-24-16).
  • LYONS, E. T., T. A. KUZMINA, T. R. SPRAKER, S. R. MELIN, and R. L. DeLONG. 2016. Hookworms (Uncinaria lyonsi) in dead California sea lion (Zalophus Californianus) pups and sand in winter (2014-2015) on San Miguel Island, California. Comp. Parasitol. 83(2):283-286.  Online.  (added 10-24-16).
  • LYONS, E. T., T. A. KUZMINA, T. R. SPRAKER, and R. L. DeLONG. 2016. Parasitological examination of northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) pups for presence of hookworms (Uncinaria spp.) on San Miguel Island, California. Helminthologia 53(2):191-194.  Online.  (added 10-24-16).
  • LUNDIN, J. I., R. L. DILLS, G. M. YLITALO, M. B. HANSON, C. K. EMMONS, G. S. SCHORR, J. AHMAD, J. A. HEMPELMANN, K. M. PARSONS, and S. K. WASSER. 2016. Persistent organic pollutant determination in killer whale scat samples: Optimization of a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method and application to field samples. Arch. Environ. Contamin. Toxicol. 70(1):9-19.  Online.  (added 10-24-16).
  • LEFEBVRE, K. A., L. QUAKENBUSH, E. FRAME, K. B. HUNTINGTON, G. SHEFFIELD, R. STIMMELMAYR, A. BRYAN, P. KENDRICK, H. ZIEL, T. GOLDSTEIN, J. A. SNYDER, T. GELATT, F. GULLAND, B. DICKERSON, and V. GILL. 2016. Prevalence of algal toxins in Alaskan marine mammals foraging in a changing Arctic and subarctic environment. Harmful Algae 55:13-24.  Online.  (added 10-24-16).
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