
The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: kathy@uoregon.eduPlease note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2017" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.

Title Organization Grant Deadline Description Category Funding Amount Geography Website
Request for Proposals from Indian Tribes and Intertribal Consortia for Nonpoint Source Management Grants Under Clean Water Act (CWA) EPA 01/25/2017

To develop and/or implement watershed-based plans and on-the-ground projects that will result in significant steps towards solving Nonpoint Source (NPS) impairments on a watershed-wide basis. Eligible entities are strongly encouraged to submit proposals that develop and/or implement watershed-based plans designed to protect unimpaired waters and/or restore NPS-impaired waters.

water, restoration, planning, policy, prevention, development, pollution, cleanup, treatment Up to $100,00. United States Link
Understanding Climate Impacts on Fish Stocks and Fisheries to Inform Sustainable Management NOAA 01/30/2017

Healthy and productive fisheries are an essential component of the U.S. economy. There is increasing concern about the impacts of climate variability and change on fish stocks, fisheries, and marine ecosystems in the U.S. Climate variability and change influences many parameters (e.g. extreme events, winds, ocean temperatures, stratification, currents, coastal precipitation, inundation, etc.) that directly and indirectly affect marine ecosystem conditions including the abundance, distribution, and productivity of fish stocks that support economically important fisheries. Sustainable fisheries management in a changing climate requires an improved understanding of how climate, fishing, and other stressors interact to affect fish stocks (including their habitats and prey), fisheries and fishing-dependent communities.

local economy, food security, water health, repopulation, management, sustainability, climate change, adaptation $700,000 United States Link
ECOSOLUTION GRANT Captain PLanet Foundation 01/31/2017

ecoSolution Grants are intended to support solution-oriented, youth-led projects that result in real environmental outcomes. ecoSolution Grants are available to educators working with youth in the United States (international projects are by invitation only).

climate impacts, adaptaion, mitigation, solution, youth, student $500-2500. United States Link
Environmental Education Regional Model Grants EPA 01/31/2017

EPA's Office of Environmental Education grants program supports environmental education projects that enhance the public's awareness, knowledge, and skills to make informed environmental decisions and take responsible actions towards the environment.

Disaster Planning, Education, Natural Resources, Adaptation, Health, Conservation, Environmental Justice $500 to $2,500 Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link

The Environmental Justice Small Grants (EJSG) Program provides funding for eligible applicants for projects that address local environmental and public health issues within an affected community. The EJSG Program is designed to help communities understand and address exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks. Applying organizations are encouraged to have a direct connection to the vulnerable affected, community impacted by environmental harms and risks.

environmental hazards, human health outcomes, public health, community, local environment $30,000 United States Link
Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) Program NOAA 02/06/2017

The NOAA Climate Program Office’s (CPO) Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program supports research teams that conduct innovative, interdisciplinary, user-inspired, and regionally relevant research that informs resource management and public policy. CPO funds a network of RISA teams across the United States (US) and Pacific Islands, which are a model for interdisciplinary science and assessment. NOAA’s RISA program is overseen by CPO’s Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI) division. CSI’s mission is to inform improvements in resilience and preparedness in diverse socio-economic regions and sectors throughout the US and abroad through the use of climate knowledge and information. Our research advances the nation’s understanding of climate-related risks and vulnerabilities across sectors and regions, and the development of tools to foster more informed decision making.

Climate change, public planning, policy, management, climate science, research Up to $700,000. United States Link
WaterSMART: Water Recycling and Reuse Research under the Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse Program for Fiscal Year 2017 Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation 02/06/2017

Water reclamation and reuse research helps states, tribes, and local communities tackle water supply challenges. Research funded under the Title XVI Program (Title XVI Research) supports the implementation of water reclamation and reuse projects under development to supplement urban and irrigation water supplies through water reuse, thereby improving efficiency, providing flexibility during water shortages, and diversifying the water supply. Water reclamation and reuse projects provide growing communities with new sources of clean water while promoting water and energy efficiency and environmental stewardship.

Development, water reuse, Infrastructure, management, planning, sustainability, up to $300,000 United States Link
Deployment of Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency on Indian Lands DOE, Office of Indian Energy 02/07/2017

In an effort by the Department to foster a more holistic engagement with Tribes on energy issues, the Department’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Tribal Energy Program and its activities are being consolidated into DOE’s Office of Indian Energy. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) builds on efforts by the Tribal Energy Program, and the authorities granted the Office of Indian Energy under EPAct 2005, to accelerate deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technology on Indian Lands.

Energy efficiency, Renewable energy, Energy, clean energy, community, development Award amount varies. Indian Lands Link
Early Career: Anticipating the Environmental Impacts and Behavioral Drivers of Deep Decarbonization EPA 02/10/2017

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications proposing research that will contribute to an improved ability to understand and anticipate the public health and environmental impacts and behavioral drivers of significant changes in energy production and consumption in the United States, particularly those changes associated with advancing toward the deep decarbonization necessary to achieve national and international climate change mitigation objectives and avoid the most significant health, environmental, and economic impacts of climate change. The proposed research is intended to contribute to the development of new insights and predictive tools related to the multimedia, life-cycle impacts of the decarbonization of electricity generation; the electrification of end uses; the adoption of low-carbon emitting, renewable fuels; and the adoption of energy efficiency measures. The proposed research is also intended to contribute to an improved understanding of the drivers of individual, firm (i.e. business), and community decisions that affect energy consumption patterns, including decisions about the adoption of new technologies and energy efficiency measures

climate change, mitigation, carbon emissions, renewable, fuel, infrastructure, Up to $300,000. United States Link
Drought Resiliency Project Grants DOI, Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), WaterSMART 02/14/2017

The objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite states, tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water or power delivery authority to leverage their money and resources by cost sharing with Reclamation on Drought Resiliency Projects that will increase the reliability of water supply; improve exchange of water; and provide benefits for fish, wildlife, and the environment to mitigate impacts caused by drought.This helps to prepare for and address the impacts of drought and climate change.

Drought Resiliency, Planning, Infrastructure, Water Management, Drought Mitigation, Natural Resource Management Funding Group I: Up to $300,000 in Federal funds provided through this FOA will be available for projects that generally should be completed in two years. Funding Group II: Up to $750,000 in Federal funds provided through this FOA will be available for larger projects that may take up to three years to complete. Projects in this group will be funded on an annual basis. Funding for the second and third y ears of the project is contingent upon future appropriations. West Link
Drought Response Program: Drought Contingency Planning Grants DOI, Bureau of Reclamation, WaterSMART 02/14/2017

The objective of this FOA is to invite states, Indian tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water or power delivery authority to leverage their money and resources by cost sharing Drought Contingency Planning with Reclamation to build resilience to drought in advance of a crisis. Applicants under this FOA may request funding to develop a new drought plan or to update an existing drought plan (collectively, Drought Contingency Plans). Applicants may also request technical assistance from Reclamation for the development of elements of the Drought Contingency Plan (Project). Through this FOA, Reclamation seeks to support collaborative planning efforts that use a proactive approach to build long-term resiliency to drought. Drought Contingency Plans developed under this program are required to include participation by multiple stakeholders to encourage more comprehensive plans that address issues important to different sectors (e.g., agricultural, municipal, and environmental). Participation by multiple stakeholders will also broaden support for mitigation and response actions identified in the plans. In addition, Drought Contingency Plans developed under this FOA must include consideration of climate change impacts to water supplies, in order to support long term resiliency to climate change.

climate change, drought, mitigation, adaptation, infrastructure, planning, policy, Funding Group I: up to $300,000 for projects that can be completed within two years. Funding Group II: up to $750,000 for larger projects that can be completed within three years. National Link
US FWS Great Northern LCC GNLCC, USFWS 02/17/2017

Under this Great Northern LCC Funding Guidance, the US Fish and Wildlife Service Mountain-Prairie Region (FWS R6) is requesting project proposals in support of the Great Northern LCC. Awards issued pursuant to this announcement will be expected to result in various products or outcomes.

Research, climate change, biodiversity, maintenance, support, sustainability, conservation Successfull applicants have received up $25,000-$150,000 The GNLCC Link
OIA Technical Assistance Program DOI 03/01/2017

The Technical Assistance Program (TAP) provides grant funding for short-term projects intended to meet the immediate needs of the insular areas. OIA's priorities are as follows: Climate change, accountability, financial management, economic development, training, education, energy, management control initiatives, safety, emergency, historical & cultural preservation, capacity building, health initiatives, and outdoor youth initiatives.

climate change, youth, planning, policy, management Up to $250,000. United States, International (US Territories) Link
Rocky Mountain Section Grants GSA 03/01/2017

Funding available for undergraduate Earth Science research. Special consideration for projects focused on the Rocky Mountain region. Student must be a member of the GSA.

geology, climate science, student, scholarship, $750 Rocky Mountain Region, and Midwest Link
Solar in Your Community Challenge DOE 03/17/2017

The Solar in Your Community Challenge encourages the development of innovative financial and business models that serve low- and moderate-income communities that may have been left out of the solar boom. Offering $5 million in cash prizes and technical assistance over 18 months, the challenge supports teams across the country to develop projects or programs that reach underserved customers in their communities, while proving that these business models can be widely replicated and scaled up.

solar power, renewable energy, infrastructure, business models, climate change, carbon emissions, reduce Varies. National Link
Rural Energy for America Program Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Loans & Grants USDA 03/31/2017

Provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements.

rural development, infrastructure, renewable energy, sustainable Unrestricted Grants (up to $500,000) National Link
Fiscal Year 2018 National Sea Grant College Program Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship NOAA 04/07/2017

The Sea Grant Act includes a legislative mandate to provide an educational experience in the policies and processes of the Legislative and Executive Branches of the Federal Government for students enrolled in graduate or professional programs that have an interest in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources.

conservation, coastal, community, climate change, marine, health, ecosystem, student, graduate, funding Up to $80,000. National Link
NSF Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP) NSF 04/14/2017

Applications accepted continuously. The Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP) provides awards to Tribal Colleges and Universities, Alaska Native-serving institutions, and Native Hawaiian-serving institutions to promote high quality science (including sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, statistics, and other social and behavioral science as well as natural science and education disciplines), technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, research, and outreach. TCUP-eligible institutions are predominantly two-year and community colleges. Support is available to TCUP-eligible institutions (see the Additional Eligibility subsection of Section IV of this solicitation) for Instructional Capacity Excellence in TCUP Institutions (ICE-TI), Broadening Participation Research in STEM Education (BPR) Projects, Targeted STEM Infusion Projects (TSIP), and Catalyzing Opportunities for Research and Education (CORE).

Education varies Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Midwest Link
WaterSMART Grants: Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects DOI, Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), WaterSMART 04/27/2017

The objective of this FOA is to invite states, Indian tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water or power delivery authority to leverage their money and resources by cost sharing with Reclamation on small-scale on-the-ground projects that seek to conserve, better manage, or otherwise make more efficient use of water supplies.

climate change, precipitation, water, management, mitigation, adaptation, sustainability, natural resources Up to $75,000 in Federal funds per proposal will be available through this FOA to implement small-scale on-the-ground efficiency projects. The total project costs of each proposal submitted for funding under this FOA is limited to $150,000. National Link
Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) Design and Development Launch Pilots NSF 05/16/2017

Preliminary Proposals DUE FEBRUARY 14, 2017. Diversity – of thought, perspective, and experience – is essential for excellence in research and innovation in science and engineering.[1] Full participation of all of America’s STEM talent is critical to the advancement of science and engineering for national security, health, and prosperity. America’s STEM talent pool has a competitive advantage when it is enriched by diversity of perspectives and approaches, which in turn enriches knowledge across STEM.Women, persons with disabilities, African Americans/Blacks, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Native Pacific Islanders, and persons from economically disadvantaged backgrounds have been historically underrepresented and underserved in various fields of science and engineering across all levels – from preK-12 to long-term workforce participation. [2],[3] Inclusion of talent from all sectors of American society is necessary for the health and vitality of the science and engineering community and its societal relevance. NSF INCLUDES is a comprehensive initiative to enhance U.S. leadership in science and engineering discovery and innovation by seeking and effectively developing STEM talent from all sectors and groups in our society. Over several years, NSF will invest in alliances and build a national network to achieve significant impact at scale in transforming STEM education and workforce pathways so they are fully and widely inclusive and equitable opportunities for participation are provided. New networks, systems, and partnerships as well as approaches to using data for change will be hallmarks of NSF INCLUDES. The initiative will serve as a testbed in real time over the next ten years for designing, implementing, studying, and refining change models that are based on collective impact-style approaches, and on networks that support adoption and adaptation at scale. This approach is a substantial shift away from current practice, which often involves highly successful but locally focused efforts. Undertaking change through collective impact at national scale is unprecedented. Success will be evident in the formation and enactment of new policies and practices in institutions, professional societies, and scientific culture that position inclusion and equity as core values for excellence in STEM.

stem, science, climate science, community engagement, health, biology, math, social justice, diversity Amount varies. National Link
Technical Assistance to Tribes FY 2017 DOI, Bureau of Reclamation 08/31/2017

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), through the Native American Affairs Technical Assistance to Tribes Program (Technical Assistance Program [TAP]), provides technical assistance to Indian tribes and tribal organizations. The TAP is intended to establish cooperative working relationships, through partnerships with Indian tribes and tribal organizations, to ensure that tribes have the opportunity to participate fully in the Reclamation Program as they develop, manage, and protect their water and related resources.

water rights, water health, privatization, resource management $200,000 United States Link
Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations DOI 09/30/2017

The Secretary of the Interior established the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations (Buy-Back Program, Program) to implement the land consolidation provisions of the Cobell Settlement Agreement, which provided $1.9 billion to consolidate fractional land interests across Indian country. The Buy-Back Program allows interested individual owners to sell their land for immediate transfer to the recognized tribe that exercises jurisdiction. This effort will strengthen tribal sovereignty and put decision-making in the hands of the tribal government, freeing up resources that have been locked-up as land interests that have fractionated over time. The Buy-Back Program has announced 105 locations where land consolidation activities such as planning, outreach, mapping, mineral evaluations, appraisals or acquisitions are scheduled to take place through the middle of 2021. The Buy-Back Program is interested in partnering with the eligible tribes that have jurisdiction over these 105 locations, as well as any locations that may be added to the implementation schedule, to gain their direct participation in land consolidation efforts given the tribes’ unique qualifications to perform land consolidation activities for their reservations. Consequently, the Program intends to, whenever feasible and practical, enter into single source cooperative agreements with these eligible tribes to not only capitalize on their unique knowledge of their reservations but also to improve the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the Program. Eligible tribes will be given the opportunity to apply for a cooperative agreement, whenever feasible and practical, prior to the implementation of the Buy-Back Program at the location under their jurisdiction.

sovereignty, jurisdiction, reclamation, administration, management, self-determination Land-based. United States Link
Joint Fire Science Program Research Funding Opportunity DOA/DOI, JFSP (Joint Fire Science Program) 11/17/2017

The interagency Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) is requesting proposals in the following task statements:  Landscape fuel treatment strategies and wildfire managementEffects of changing wildfire management strategies, Post-fire recoveryFire effects on herbaceous and shrub species, Validating mesoscale, atmospheric boundary prediction models and tools, and Factors that affect the co-management of wildland fire risk.

landscape development, habitat restoration, institutional barriers, social barriers, wildfire response strategies Award amount varies; see full announcement. National, Canada, focus on forested areas in western U.S. and southeastern U.S. Link
Alaska Community Foundation: Strengthening Organizations NGO 12/31/2017

Grant is on a rolling deadline. 6/1/2016 was most recent deadline.Grant awards will support professional staff and board of directors in their efforts to access tools, develop practical skills, and cultivate support systems needed to effectively achieve the organization’s mission in the areas of leadership development, organizational development, program development, collaboration and community engagement, and evaluation of effectiveness. 

Non-profit Infrastructure, Administrative Support The guidelines state applicants can request up to $10,000, but awards typically range from $3,000 to $5,000. Call anytime to talk with an ACF Program Officer about your project. Alaska Link
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation NGO 12/31/2017

Applications accepted continuously. This foundation offers grant assistance in 6 major program areas. Two such areas are the “Public Understanding of Science,” and the “Basic Research” areas. Through these programs, the foundation offers grants for high-quality, original STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) research that benefits the scientific community, as well as increases the public understanding of relevant and complex scientific issues. A grant applicant must first submit a letter of inquiry that outlines the idea of the grant, since the foundation does not accept unsolicited grant proposals. If accepted, the applicant will receive notice to submit a full proposal for evaluation.

Research Varies Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Clean Water Indian Set-Aside Grant Program EPA, IHS 12/31/2017

Applications accepted continuously. The Clean Water Indian Set-Aside Grant Program (CWISA Program) provides funding for wastewater infrastructure to Indian tribes and Alaska Native Villages. The CWISA Program is administered in cooperation with the Indian Health Service (IHS). EPA uses the IHS Sanitation Deficiency System priority lists to identify and select projects for CWISA program funding. To be considered for CWISA Program funding, tribes must identify their wastewater needs to the IHS Sanitation Deficiency System. Applications must be submitted within 12 months of disaster declaration date.

Water Varies; average $300,000, grants have been awarded between $16,000 and $1,600,000 Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Climate Solutions University NGO 12/31/2017

Applications accepted throughout the year. CSU aids local rural communities, connected through a peer learning network, by offering training, expertise, and support in climate adaptation planning. Through this training, expertise, and support, CSU strengthens local leadership, public engagement, and ecosystem protection efforts in rural communities. CSU is offering two distance‐learning programs in 2013; the Climate Adaptation Plan Development Program and the Climate Adaptation Plan Implementation Program. The development program results in a local climate adaptation plan (focusing on forest and water resource resilience). The implementation plan supports participants in moving the plan into action. Each program has 8 positions available. Each participating community receives $100K in training, mentoring, and access to tools/resources; however, communities must commit a cost-share in the form of staff time and related resources.

Adaptation Each participating community receives $100K in training, mentoring, and access to tools/resources Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Conservation Stewardship Program USDA 12/31/2017

Applications accepted continuously. The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) helps agricultural producers maintain and improve their existing conservation systems and adopt additional conservation activities to address priority resources concerns. Participants earn CSP payments for conservation performance—the higher the performance, the higher the payment.

Stewardship, Conservation A person or legal entity may not receive more than $200,000 during fiscal years 2014 through 2018. $150 million total program funding. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Caribbean and Pacific Island areas. Link
Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants USDA 12/31/2017

Applications accepted continuously. The purpose of this grant is to assist rural communities that have experienced a significant decline in quantity or quality of drinking water due to an emergency, or in which such decline is considered imminent, to obtain or maintain adequate quantities of water that meets the standards set by the Safe Drinking Water Act. This emergency is considered an occurrence of an incident such as, but not limited to, a drought, earthquake, flood, tornado, hurricane, disease outbreak or chemical spill, leakage or seepage.

Adaptation, Emergency Management, Water, Natural Resources, Emergency $150,000 or $500,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Coastal, Alaska, Midwest Link
Emergency Watershed Protection Program USDA 12/31/2017

Applications accepted continuously. The Emergency Watershed Protection Program responds to emergencies created by natural disasters. The program is designed to help people and conserve natural resources by relieving imminent hazards to life and property caused by floods, fires, wind­storms, and other natural occurrences. All projects undertaken, with the exception of the purchase of floodplain easements, must have a project sponsor.

Water, Natural Resources, Adaptation, Disaster, Emergency Management, Health Varies Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
