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A student with her sewing machine at Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology in Hyderabad, Sindh

The Sindh Skills Development Project aims to train 50,000 unemployed youth in Sindh by offering them short technical courses to prepare them for a range of jobs. Read More »


Discriminatory lending practices are forcing Pakistan’s women entrepreneurs to look beyond microfinance providers for capital to start and sustain businesses. Read More »


Pakistan : Lending By Volume (Millions Of US Dollars)

Data from World Bank
Pakistan Open Data
Global Economy
The World Bank provides free and open access to a comprehensive set of data about development in countries around the globe, including Pakistan.
Pakistan jobs for youth
Children & Youth
Pakistan has the highest rate of job growth in the South Asia region, which needs to create a million jobs per month for the next 20 years to absorb new workers.
Pakistan social protection
Pakistan faces immense challenges in poverty reduction as the poor lack basic human, physical, and productive assets and have limited access to social services.
The World Bank in Pakistan
The World Bank is helping Pakistan's federal and provincial governments implement reform programs aimed at encouraging growth, investment, and employment generation.
Pakistan Multi-Donor Trust Fund
Administered by the Bank, the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, and Balochistan is supported by 10 countries.