Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Community Fill Plan

The Community Fill Plan outlines criteria for fill projects using metals-contaminated soil and gravel within the Institutional Controls Boundary associated with the Bunker Hill Superfund site.

This plan is intended to provide an alternative to disposal in constructed repositories for some Institutional Controls Program (ICP) generated material. It is also intended to establish a reserve of properties ready to receive contaminated fill material from future construction projects when they are identified.

The existing ICP Rule is administered by the Panhandle Health District (PHD) and regulates contaminant-moving operations within the Superfund site. All Community Fill Plan projects will meet the requirements of the ICP and additional criteria may apply to sites accepting 500 cubic yards or greater. Criteria listed in the Community Fill Plan help ensure that contaminated-fill projects are protective of public health. DEQ and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund staff will review the suitability of potential fill locations greater than 5,000 cubic yards based upon the criteria developed.

All community fill projects will require an ICP permit from the PHD Kellogg Office. Applicants will continue to be responsible for all other state, local, federal, regulations, permits, or procedures.

Under the plan, contaminated fill can only be placed in existing contaminated areas within the boundaries of the ICP. Impacts to areas already or scheduled for cleanup will be considered. Limits are set on lead and arsenic concentrations, and site-specific sampling and notification are required. A barrier of clean material and long-term care are also required in compliance with the ICP.

After each year of plan implementation, EPA and DEQ will review project summaries and determine if modification of the plan are needed to assure it remains protective and implementable and meets its designed purpose. 

Staff Contacts

Mine Waste Program Manager
Rob Hanson
DEQ State Office
Waste Management & Remediation Division
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0290

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