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The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
Committee on Population
Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education

CPOP Members


Kathleen Mullan Harris, Chair

Department of Sociology
The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Kathleen Mullan Harris (Chair), is the James E. Haar Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Adjunct Professor of Public Policy, and Faculty Fellow at the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on social inequality and health with particular interests in family demography, the transition to adulthood, health disparities and family formation. Dr. Harris is Director and Principal Investigator of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health), a longitudinal study of more than 20,000 teens who are being followed into adulthood. Under her leadership, the study has pioneered innovative study designs and integrative multidisciplinary research to understand social, environmental, behavioral, biological and genetic linkages in developmental and health trajectories from adolescence into adulthood. She has been an advocate within the social science and population disciplines for bridging social and biomedical sciences to advance knowledge on the development of health disparities from both an inter- and intra-generational perspective to inform public health and social policy. Her publications appear in a wide range of disciplinary journals including demography, genetics, family, epidemiology, biology, public policy, survey methodology, medicine, and social and health behavior. Dr. Harris serves on several national advisory boards of leading NIH studies as well as on the National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations of the Census Bureau. She received her doctorate in demography from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Harris was awarded the Clogg Award for Early Career Achievement from the Population Association of America in 2004 and the Warren E. Miller Award for Meritorious Service to the Social Sciences from ICPSR in 2013. She was President of the Population Association of America in 2009 and was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2014. She received her Ph.D. in demography from the University of Pennsylvania. 

Jere R. Behrman

Professor of Economics

University of Pennsylvania

Jere R. Behrman is the William R. Kenan, Jr. professor of economics and director of the Population Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests are in empirical micro economics, economic development, labor economics, human resources, economic demography and household behaviors. His primary research has been on empirical micro demographic and economic behaviors, primarily in developing countries but with substantial ongoing work through the years on the United States. He served on the NRC-IOM Panel on Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries and the NRC Panel on Improving Urban Labor Markets. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Lisa F. Berkman
Professor of Public Policy, Epidemiology, and Population and International Health
Harvard School of Public Health
Lisa F. Berkman (NAM) is the Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy, Epidemiology, and Global Health and Population at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She also serves as director of the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies. She was chair of the School’s Department of Society, Human Development and Health from 1995 to 2008. Recognized for her groundbreaking work in the field of social epidemiology, she is noted for identifying the effects of social networks on mortality risks that helped define the field in the late 1970s. Dr. Berkman also broadened the field with her investigations of how social conditions related to inequality, race, ethnicity, and social isolation influence health and aging. Her research has been oriented towards understanding inequalities in health related to socioeconomic status, different racial and ethnic groups, and social networks, support and isolation. The majority of her work is devoted to identifying the role of social networks and support in predicting declines in physical and cognitive functioning, onset of disease and mortality. She has devoted much of her work to understanding determinants of population health by comparing European countries with the U.S. She is a member of the Conseil Scientifique de l’Institut de Recherche en Sante Publique (IReSP) in France. Dr. Berkman is the author of several books and over 200 publications. She co-edited Social Epidemiology, the first textbook on the topic, plus Neighborhoods and Health (both with Ichiro Kawachi). She is currently president of the Association of Population Centers and serves as chair of the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Institute on Aging. She is a past president of the Society for Epidemiologic Research. A graduate of Northwestern University, she received her master’s and doctorate in epidemiology from the University of California, Berkeley.
Ann K. Blanc
The Population Council
Ann K. Blanc is a vice president and director of the Population Council’s Poverty, Gender, and Youth program. Under her leadership, the program has increased investments in rigorous research on programs for adolescent girls, exploring the importance of various interventions for improving girls’ lives. She is also leading a renewed focus on girls’ education and emerging work on the impact of climate change on vulnerable populations. Her recent research is aimed at improving the quality of measurement in household surveys, estimating patterns of maternal mortality, and examining the circumstances of vulnerable adolescent girls. Before joining the Population Council in 2011, Dr. Blanc was director of the Maternal Health Task Force at EngenderHealth. Between 2005 and 2009, she was a program officer in the Population and Reproductive Health Program at The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. She is a member of the editorial board of Studies in Family Planning and a member of the “Intervention Coverage Measurement Group” of technical experts working on improving the measurement of coverage of maternal, newborn, and child health interventions. Dr. Blanc is the author of more than 70 scientific articles and book chapters on adolescent sexual and reproductive health, maternal health, gender and power dynamics, fertility trends and patterns, and other topics. She received a Ph.D. in sociology with a concentration in demography from Princeton University.

Vicki A. Freedman

Research Professor

Institute for Social Research

University of Michigan

Vicki A. Freedman is a research professor at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research. Her research focuses on the consequences of population aging for disability, long-term care, and related public health issues. Recent publications focus on late-life disability trends, time use and wellbeing in later life, the role of environmental factors in late-life health and disability, and associated measurement issues. She is also co-author of the text, Public Health and Aging: Maximizing Functioning and Wellbeing (2010). Dr. Freedman currently serves as co-principal investigator of the National Health and Aging Trends Study, a platform for studying late-life disability trends and trajectories, and as associate director of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, a long-term panel study of social, economic, and health-related dynamics over the life course and across generations. She also co-directs the Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging. From 2005-2007 she served on the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Disability in America. Dr. Freedman received her M.A. in demography from Georgetown University and Ph.D. in epidemiology from Yale University.


Mark D. Hayward

Professor and Director

Population Research Center

University of Texas at Austin

Mark D. Hayward is a professor of sociology, Centennial Commission professor in the Liberal Arts, and a faculty research associate of the Population Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin. He is former president of the Southern Demographic Association and chair of the Aging and Life Course section of the American Sociological Association. Dr. Hayward's primary research interests center on the influence of life course exposures and events on the morbidity and mortality experiences of the older population. Presently, he is involved in several studies focusing on the origins of health disparities at older ages: early life influences on socioeconomic, race and gender disparities in adult morbidity and mortality; the demography of race/ethnic and gender disparities in healthy life expectancy; social inequality in the biomarkers of aging; and the health consequences of marriage, divorce, and widowhood. Recent publications have focused on changes in morbidity and mortality determining trends in healthy life expectancy, socioeconomic and race/ethnic differences in healthy life expectancy, and the association between childhood health, education and adult morbidity and mortality. His recently published work has appeared in the American Sociological Review, Demography, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, and Social Science and Medicine. Currently, he serves on the Advisory Committee for the International Association of Population Health Science Research and the National Advisory Committee for the Health and Society Scholars Program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. He has served on the boards of the Population Association of America and the Society of Biodemography and Social Biology, and he was a member and then chair of the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research Council. Dr. Hayward received his Ph.D. in sociology from Indiana University. 

Hillard S. Kaplan

Professor of Anthropology

University of New Mexico

Hillard S. Kaplan is a professor of anthropology at the University of New Mexico. He examines the evolution of the human life course. His work has at various times focused on food sharing, fertility decisions, parental investment, sex roles, subsistence behavior, intelligence, and the life span. His empirical work draws on fieldwork with a number of populations including the Ache (Paraguay), Mashco-Piro (Peru), Yora/Yaminahua (Peru), Machiguenga (Peru), and Xhosa (South Africa). Past work on fertility and parental investment has also drawn on data collected from men living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He currently directs the Tsimane Health and Life History Project with Michael Gurven (UC Santa Barbara). Dr. Kaplan has a B.A. from McGill University, an M.A. in communications from the University of Pennsylvania, an M.A. in anthropology from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Utah.


Sara S. McLanahan

Professor of Siologoy and Public Affairs

Office of Population Research

Princeton University

Sara S. McLanahan is the William S. Tod professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton University. She is a faculty associate of the Office of Population Research and the founder and director of the Bendheim-Thoman Center for Research on Child Wellbeing. She is principal investigator of the Fragile Families Study and editor-in-chief of The Future of Children, a journal dedicated to providing research on policies to improve child health and wellbeing. She is a past president of the Population Association of America, and has served on the boards of the American Sociological Association and the Population Association of America. She is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and currently serves on the boards of the William T. Grant Foundation, the Russell Sage Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson "Health and Society Scholars" program. She is the author of many articles and books including Fathers Under Fire: The Revolution in Child Support Enforcement (1998); Growing Up with a Single Parent (1994); and Single Mothers and Their Children: A New American Dilemma (1986). She earned her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Texas at Austin.


Emilio Parrado
Department of Sociology
University of Pennsylvania

Emilio Parrado is Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology of the University of Pennsylvania and is Director of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program. His research interests are migration, both within and across countries, as a significant life-course event with diverse implications for the migrants themselves and their families as well as for sending and receiving areas and countries. His research has migration as it central focus and its interaction with other demographic and social processes. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago. 


Michael Rosenfeld
Stanford University
Michael J. Rosenfeld is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at Stanford University. He studies race, ethnicity, and family structure, the family’s effect on children, and the history of the family. He is interested in mate selection as a social as well as a personal process. Dr. Rosenfeld is the author of many scholarly articles, along with the 2007 book The Age of Independence: Interracial Unions, Same-Sex Unions, and the Changing American Family. In The Age of Independence, Rosenfeld argued that delayed age at first marriage, higher education, and the residential independence of young adults from their parents has reduced parental control over their children’s mate selection. As a result of decreased parental oversight, young adults are forming more interracial unions, and more same-sex unions. He is the principle investigator of the How Couples Meet and Stay Together (HCMST) study, a nationally representative longitudinal study of couples funded by the National Science Foundation. Dr. Rosenfeld is also the winner of three teaching awards. He received his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Brown University, a master’s degree in Latin American studies and a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago.

David R. Weir

Research Professor

Survey Research Center

Institute for Social Research

University of Michigan

David R. Weir is research professor in the Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, and director of the NIA-funded Health and Retirement Study. His current research interests include the use of longitudinal data to study chronic disease processes; health care decision-making at older ages; the role of personality factors in lifetime economic success; and the use of biomarkers in population surveys. He currently serves on the NRC Panel on Policy Research and Data Needs to Meet the Challenge of Aging in Asia and served on the Planning Committee for Academies-wide Initiative on the Grand Challenges of an Aging Society. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University.


John R. Wilmoth

Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division
United Nations

John R. Wilmoth is director of the United Nation’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) Population Division. He was formerly a professor in the Department of Demography of the University of California at Berkeley, and a researcher in Berkeley's Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging. He is also an affiliated faculty member in the Department of Sociology. From 2005 until 2007, he worked for the Population Division of the United Nations. He is the director of the Human Mortality Database (HMD), a project co-sponsored by the University of California at Berkeley and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany. Most of his research concerns the increase in human longevity that has occurred during the past 250 years. This research has also included a special emphasis on developing better sources of information about historical patterns and trends in human mortality and life expectancy. He participated in the 2003 Social Security Advisory Board’s Technical Panel on Assumptions and Methods. He has a Ph.D. in statistics and demography from Princeton University.




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