Helping An Elderly Veteran Access Healthcare Benefits

Legal Aid of Wyoming

The Legal Services Corporation and its grantees have been expanding access to civil legal aid for 40 years. Below is a client story telling how one veteran was helped by Legal Aid of Wyoming.

Phyllis*, an elderly veteran, was disabled, homeless, and losing hope.

While living on the streets Phyllis lost her identification card and all her personal paperwork. As a result, she was unable to apply for food stamps, housing, and other assistance.

Phyllis went to Stand Down – a program providing food supplies, clothing, health screenings, and benefits counseling to homeless veterans – to look for help. Legal Aid of Wyoming attorneys were participating in the event.

After sharing her information with Legal Aid of Wyoming, Phyllis received assistance to apply for a new Social Security card, a copy of her birth certificate, and a state-issued identification card. Following up with Phyllis Legal Aid of Wyoming helped her access Medicaid, food stamps, and veterans' benefits.

*Names have been changed.


Client Stories
