Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Hot-Mix Asphalt Plants

Because most hot-mix asphalt plants have specific pieces of permitted equipment, DEQ has created a streamlined permitting process for these operations. This permitting process includes the following steps:

1. Contact DEQ by phone.

Prior to submitting an application for a new or modified asphalt plant, call the Air Quality Permitting Hotline at 1-877-5PERMIT (1-877-573-7648). This will put you in touch with a DEQ permit writer who can answer any questions you might have about the air permitting process. Although it is not required, it is strongly recommended that at this time you request to schedule a preapplication meeting with DEQ to discuss the permitting process and your project.

2. Attend a preapplication meeting.

The preapplication meeting may be held in person or via conference call. During this meeting, the three main components of the permitting process and the likelihood of submitting a complete permit application will be discussed. The three main components of a complete application are the emissions inventory, the regulatory review, and air dispersion modeling. (For modeling protocol questions, contact Kevin Schilling, DEQ Modeling Coordinator, at (208) 373-0112 or The modeling protocol will need to be developed, using DEQ’s HMAP (Hot Mix Asphalt Plant) form, prior to submission of the application package.

For the emissions inventory, if you propose used oil or recycled fuel oil as burner fuel for the drum dryer, the minimum fuel sulfur content available on the open market is 0.1% by weight. This sulfur content must be used in the calculations to estimate sulfur dioxide emissions from the hot-mix asphalt drum dryer stack.

Prior to attending the preapplication meeting with DEQ, the applicant will need to review DEQ’s Modeling Setbacks document. This document provides rough estimates of the required setback distances for new or modified hot-mix asphalt plants using different operating scenarios. Reviewing this document will help the applicant decide on the appropriate operating scenario to apply for.

3. Complete required forms.

  • Form GI: General Information
  • Form HMAP: Hot Mix Asphalt Plant (specific information on the proposed asphalt plant)
  • Form FRA: Federal Requirements Applicability
    For form FRA, the following federal requirements should be addressed for HMA plants: NSPS Subpart I (Standards of Performance for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities), and NSPS Subpart IIII (Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines) and/or NESHAP Subpart ZZZZ (National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines).

4. Submit forms and application fee.

Submit an application fee of $1,000 and a one-time processing fee of $500, for a total of $1,500, with application forms. Payment may be made by check, credit card/e-check, or bank wire transfer.

Pay by check

Make check payable to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, and send completed application and check to the following:

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Attn: Fiscal Office - Air Quality Program
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706

Pay by credit card/E-check

Send completed application to the following:

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Attn: Air Quality Program
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706

To pay fees, link to Access Idaho website at
(Note: Convenience fee of 3% applies to credit card payments, $5 to E-check payments.)

Pay by bank wire transfer

Send completed application to the following:

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Attn: Air Quality Program
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706

To pay fees, contact Katie Bennett, DEQ Fiscal Office
(208) 373-0446

Staff Contacts

Air Quality Permitting Hotline
1-877-5PERMIT (1-877-573-7648)
Call to set up a meeting or ask air quality permitting questions.

Stationary Source Permit Program Coordinator
Darrin Pampaian
DEQ State Office
Air Quality Division
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0587

Related Pages

Air Quality Dispersion Modeling

Air Quality Permitting Forms and Checklists

Environmental Assistance for Hot-Mix Asphalt Plants