Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Small Business Environmental Solutions

Environmental regulations affect all businesses, large and small. However, as a small business owner, you face a variety of unique challenges in running your business. Most of the time you are wearing multiple hats, handling roles that in larger businesses are done by one person or whole departments. In addition to the day-to-day operations of your company, you also have to worry about regulations that can be difficult to understand and complex to follow. Studies have shown that small businesses can spend up to twice as much to comply with environmental regulations as larger businesses.

Fortunately, following environmental rules can make your business more efficient and save you money. Perhaps most importantly, environmental compliance is good for Idaho's environment and future generations. In short, it's a win-win situation for Idaho residents and businesses alike.

Do Environmental Regulations Impact My Business?

They may if your business:

  • Releases air pollutants, such as dust, fumes, gas, mist, odor, smoke, vapor, or a combination of these, to the atmosphere.
  • Uses fuel burning equipment, such as boilers, generators, or incinerators.
  • Discharges process wastewater to a public sewer system or to a water body.
  • Uses hazardous materials, such as chemicals, plastics, rubber, resins, solvents, parts cleaners, paints, motor vehicle fluids, etc.
  • Generates hazardous wastes, such as spent solvents, fluorescent light bulbs, cleaning chemicals, oily wastes, batteries, or paints.
  • Disturbs more than one acre of land during construction.
  • Is proposing to build in a flood plain in an area designated as a wetland, or if the proposed site will alter a waterway.
  • Handles or disposes of asbestos or asbestos-containing material.
  • Transports wastes of any type.
  • Owns a well that will serve drinking water to 25 or more people.
  • Uses an aboveground or an underground storage tank.
  • Uses a septic system.
  • Land applies wastewater.
  • Stores hazardous materials or waste outside where it can come in to contact with storm water.

Where Can I Get Environmental Assistance?

Through a partnership between DEQ and the Idaho Small Business Development Center (SBDC), a wide range of environmental assistance is available to small businesses throughout Idaho. The Environmental Solutions Program provides a "one-stop shop" where small businesses can obtain free, confidential environmental assistance in addition to tax, labor, and other advice provided by the Idaho SBDC.

Types of Businesses Assisted

  • Manufacturers - Furniture, Electronics, Wood Products, etc.
  • Auto Body and Auto Repair
  • Dry Cleaning Facilities
  • Metal Fabricators and Finishers
  • Hot Mix Asphalt, Concrete Batch Plants, and Rock Crushers
  • Construction
  • Print Shops
  • Surface Coating and Painting Operations
  • Food Processors

Types of Services Offered

No-Cost Consulting

Help is available by phone, email, or appointment to answer questions, solve problems, and provide guidance on a one-to-one basis on environmental issues and regulations and pollution prevention opportunities.

Regulatory and Permitting Assistance

You can receive assistance with:

  • Determining which environmental regulations apply to your business;
  • Evaluating if a permit is needed;
  • Receiving answers to your questions about your existing permit;
  • Clarifying compliance and permitting requirements;
  • Identifying cost-saving pollution prevention opportunities; and
  • Simplifying self-regulation.

Courtesy Site Visits

If you need individual attention, a consultant will visit your facility and review your operations in detail.

Trainings and Workshops

A variety of affordable workshops, conferences, and special events are available and are designed to teach practical, hands-on environmental management skills.

Staff Contacts

Environmental Assistance Coordinator
Laura Matthews
Idaho Small Business Development Center
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725-1655
(208) 426-1839

For More Information

Idaho Small Business Development Center Environmental Solutions Program

U.S. EPA Small Business Gateway