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Paducah Community Outreach

Paducah Citizens Advisory Board Meeting

Paducah Citizens Advisory Board Meeting

Students compete in West Kentucky Regional Science Bowl

Students compete in West Kentucky Regional Science Bowl

Paducah groundwater model public exhibit

Paducah groundwater model public exhibit

Paducah Citizens Advisory Board Meeting
Students compete in West Kentucky Regional Science Bowl
Paducah groundwater model public exhibit

DOE is committed to fostering meaningful public involvement in environmental remediation decision-making at its cleanup sites. The Paducah Community Relations Plan describes how DOE will provide opportunities for the public to become involved in cleanup decisions at the Paducah Site.  Interactive communications enable the public and other stakeholders to learn about the environmental program so they can effectively provide input.

Stakeholders are individuals, groups, communities, and other entities in the public and private sectors that are interested in or affected by environmental activities and decisions. Ongoing communications enhance DOE’s ability to consider the public’s interests in cleanup decisions.

Stay informed and involved by signing up on this site for email news and updates, following the links on the right for the Paducah Citizens Advisory Board, upcoming public meetings and events, the Paducah Environmental Information Center, and available online public documents.

If you would like more information about community outreach at the PGDP please contact:

Robert 'Buz' Smith