Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Environmental Assistance for Hospitals

Practice Greenhealth is a national nonprofit membership and networking organization for the healthcare community. Members of Practice Greenhealth include hospitals, healthcare systems, businesses and other stakeholders that have made a commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly practices to improve the health of patients, staff and the environment.

Founded on the principles of positive environmental stewardship and best practices by organizations in the healthcare community, it encompasses three initiatives to improve environmental performance: Hospitals for a Healthy Environment, the Green Guide for Health Care, and the Healthcare Clean Energy Exchange.

Information and Resources

Practice Greenhealth offers information, best practices, and solutions for greening the many facets of the healthcare industry including facilities management, design and construction, environmental purchasing, waste management, clean energy, chemicals management, pest management, and much more.

  • Operations – explore everything from mercury elimination to green cleaning, waste management to pharmaceuticals.
  • Design and Construction – find information and tools for green building through the Green Guide for Health Care.
  • Clean Energy – learn about energy impacts on the environment and human health.
  • Environmental Purchasing – learn about environmental purchasing, contract specifications, and more.
  • Regulations and Standards – review federal regulations and standards and tools for state regulation.

Tools and Services

Practice Greenhealth offers a wide variety of tools, educational opportunities, and services aimed at greening the healthcare industry.

Environmental Excellence Awards

Practice Greenhealth Environmental Excellence Awards recognize outstanding efforts in environmental improvement. There is an award to fit every level of progress in environmental programs.