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Home > Missions > Environmental > Ecosystem Restoration  > Broward County Water Preserve Areas

Broward County Water Preserve Areas

Picayune Strand Pump StationThe Broward County Water Preserve Areas (WPA) is part of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). When completed, the project will reduce water loss from the central Everglades. The project is designed to perform two primary functions: reduce seepage loss from Water Conservation Area (WCA) 3A/3B to the C-11 and C-9 basins; and capture, store and distribute surface water runoff from the western C-11 basin that has been discharged into WCA 3A/3B.



The project consists of three components that were recommended as part of CERP:

  • C-11 Impoundment
  • C-9 Impoundment
  • Water Conservation Area (WCA) 3A/3B Seepage Management   

The three components that make up the Broward County WPA project consist of two above-ground impoundments and a wetland buffer strip. These components will provide various functions including: reducing seepage from WCA 3, reducing phosphorous loading to WCA 3A, capturing water lost to tide, and providing conveyance features for urban and natural system water deliveries. These functions will be achieved by separating stormwater from seepage collected from WCA 3 and diverting stormwater from Western C-11 Basin and the C-9 Basin to the impoundments.

Project Status

On June 10, 2014, the project received congressional authorization in the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014. Congressional authorization now makes the project eligible for funding during the appropriations process.

Contact Information

James Hourican
Project Manager
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

(904) 232-1268


Michelle Ferree
Project Manager
South Florida Water Management District

(561) 682-6453