Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Waste Management and Permitting

DEQ issues permits and certifications for certain types of facilities that treat, store, or dispose of wastes and for ore processing facilities that use cyanide in their mineral extraction processes. DEQ also oversees these permits and ensures the facilities meet all applicable laws and comply with permit conditions.

Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) Facilities

TSD facilities treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste. Before a prospective TSD may be located in Idaho, the owner or operator must obtain a siting license demonstrating that the facility complies with the state's hazardous waste management plan. Owners or operators of TSDs in Idaho are also required to obtain a permit before treating, storing or disposing of hazardous waste to ensure that hazardous wastes are managed safely. Learn more.


Cyanidation is a method of extracting metals from ores by treatment with a cyanide solution. Ore processing facilities that use cyanide in their mineral extraction processes are required to obtain a permit from DEQ for construction, operation, and closure. DEQ also performs inspections to ensure these facilities meet regulations outlined in their permits. Learn more.

Solid Waste Management Facilities

Solid waste management facilities include transfer stations, composting operations, and incinerators where waste is managed and landfills where waste is placed for permanent disposal. While Idaho does not require its solid waste management facilities to obtain "permits," per se, these facilities are required to be certified and approved before beginning operation.

DEQ State Office - Waste Management & Remediation Division

1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0502

Staff Contacts

Hazardous Waste Permits Manager
Brian English
(208) 373-0425

Mine Waste Program Manager
Rob Hanson
(208) 373-0290

Solid Waste Program Manager
Mollie Mangerich
(208) 373-0121

Related Pages

Solid Waste in Idaho