Tag Archives: surgeon

Ravitch oversees the work of two men in an operating training room. October 25

Mark M. Ravitch: A Surgeon’s Surgeon

By  James Labosier and John Rees A new archival collection, The Mark M. Ravitch Papers, 1932-1989, is now available at the National Library of Medicine for those interested in the history of surgery, surgical techniques, and pediatrics. An internationally recognized pediatric surgeon, medical educator, author, and historian, Mark Mitchell Ravitch was born on September 12, […]

President Johnson takes papers from DeBakey as they stand beside a podium. June 23

Apply Now! A New History Fellowship at NLM

By Jeffrey S. Reznick Earlier this year, the National Library of Medicine announced its receipt of a generous gift from The DeBakey Medical Foundation to support enhanced access to the Michael E. DeBakey Archives at the NLM, and to establish the Michael E. DeBakey Fellowship in the History of Medicine. The NLM is pleased to […]

Michael DeBakey and surgical team at work in an operating room. February 12

A Decade of Phenomenal Progress in Heart Surgery

By Susan Speaker In March of 1959, Dr. Michael DeBakey testified in the U.S. House of Representatives about the phenomenal progress made against cardiovascular disease since 1949. Ten years earlier, diseases of the heart and blood vessels consigned millions to lives as invalids, and very often to an early death. These included children born with […]

Man seated at a desk with a model of the heart on the desk. May 01

Remembering Levi Watkins Jr., 1945–2015

By Jill L. Newmark and Margaret A. Hutto In an operating room at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, February 1980, Dr. Levi Watkins Jr., a young African American cardiac surgeon made history when he stopped the heart of a 57 year old woman and successful implanted the first automatic cardiac defibrillator. From his humble […]

An illustration of two men working on a body. January 06

Percivall Pott: Orthopedics and Occupational Health

By Michael J. North Today we commemorate the 300th anniversary of the birth of Percivall Pott (1714–1788), an English surgeon who is known as one of the founders of orthopedics and occupational health. Percivall Pott was the son of a scrivener (or scribe) and notary in London by the same name. After receiving an education […]