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Web map of the North Pacific.


Groundfish Surveys Map

Measuring Atka mackerel length.

RACE Division

Alaskan shelf and slope survey catch per unit effort from 1982 to the present.

Groundfish Fishery Observer Data Map 

Mess of caught pollock.

FMA Division

Alaskan commercial fishing fleet observer data from 1993 to the present.
Note this data has been aggregated and confidential data has been removed.

Eastern Bering Sea Crab Survey Map

St. Paul blue king crab

RACE Division

Eastern Bering Sea shelf bottom trawl survey catch per unit effort for commercially important crab species from 1975 to the present.

Groundfish Age-Length Map Tool 


REFM Division

Alaskan groundfish age length data from groundfish surveys between 1980 and the present.

This application works best in Firefox 5 or Chrome 16.

Ichthyoplankton distribution 

fish larva.

RACE Division

North Pacific ichthyoplankton data from surveys between 1972 and 2009.

Groundfish Diet Collections Map 

Fish gullet.

REFM Division

Alaskan groundfish diet data from groundfish surveys between 1981 and the present.

Longline Survey Data 

longline stations.

ABL Division

Sablefish Longline Survey Stations.

Alaska Community Fishing Participation Maps

commercial fishing map

REFM Division

Commercial Fishing Participation

recreational fishing map

Recreational Fishing Participation

recreational fishing map

Subsistence Fishing Participation

Bathymetry Map 

Cook Inlet

RACE Division

Improved bathymetry for Cook Inlet, Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and Norton Sound.

2016 Steller sea lion field season Map

Steller sea lion.

MML Division

The 2016 Steller sea lion field season in Alaska which included an aerial survey, research cruise, drone flights, and remote field camps.


Various maps produced by the Alaska Regional Office

     Maps include Steller Sea Lion protection measures, critcal habitat, fisheries regulatory areas, and
essential fish habitats among others. Click here. (offsite, NMFS, Alaska Regional Office)


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