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Memoranda of Understanding

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Memoranda of Understanding outline the responsibilities of various parties that share responsibilities for implementing and enforcing certain laws. MOUs are designed to clarify who does what and eliminate duplication of efforts or, in some cases, conflict over who’s in charge. DEQ is party to a number of MOUs (sometimes called Memoranda of Agreement or MOUs) with EPA and other state agencies. MOUs entered into since 2000 may be accessed below. (Many older MOUs/MOAs are still in effect, even though they are not included on this list [one older MOU has been included]. MOUs/MOAs entered into for reasons other than cooperative work [e.g., solely relating to the transfer of funds or to grant access to property] are not included.)

Agency-Wide Agreements

Title Description Parties Effective Date
Memorandum of Understanding between the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and Idaho Department of Lands Relative to Oil and Gas Conservation, Water Quality, Waste Facility Plans, and Air Quality Coordinates efforts of DEQ and IDL relative to oil and gas matters and fulfillment of their statutory responsibilities. DEQ, Idaho Department of Lands 2014 until terminated
Memorandum of Understanding between the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and the Idaho Dairymen's Association, Inc. Promotes and facilitates sharing of information, data and analysis regarding environmental information collected by DEQ related to the environmental impacts of Idaho dairy farms. DEQ, Idaho Dairymen's Association, Inc. November 5, 2012, until terminated
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and the British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection Develops an action plan to "identify, coordinate and promote mutual efforts to ensure the protection, conservation and enhancement of our shared environment for the benefit of current and future generations." This MOU is a follow-up to the 2003 "Environmental Cooperation Arrangement" between Idaho and BC. DEQ, British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection  
Allocation of Roles in Risk Assessment, Risk Communication and Risk Management for the Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Health and Department of Environmental Quality Allocates roles in risk assessment, risk communication, and risk management. DEQ, IDHW/Division of Health 2001 until terminated (reviewed every 5 years)

Northwest Cooperative Agreement Environmental Streamlining and Interagency Cooperation on Environmental and Transportation Issues

The agencies agree to work cooperatively to promote "environmental streamlining" that will facilitate the timely delivery of quality transportation programs, protect and enhance environmental quality, and make effective and efficient use of agency resources. DEQ, ITD, IDWR, IDFG, State Historic Preservation Office, USDOT, BLM, USFS Regions 1 and 4, and others from WA and OR 2000 until terminated

Air Quality Agreements

Title Description Parties Effective Date
Memorandum of Agreement Between the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Health, Bureau of Laboratories Establishes policies, procedures, and the responsibilities for the Idaho Bureau of Laboratories to perform quality control audits, calibration device certification, analysis of air samples, and reporting of analytical results to DEQ. DEQ, IDHW July 1, 2016, until terminated (reviewed annually)
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and the Idaho State Department of Agriculture Relating to the Idaho Dairy Farm Best Management Practices for the Control of Ammonia Defines the roles of DEQ and ISDA in regulating the dairy farm industry in Idaho and recognizes ISDA's lead role in ensuring dairy farms subject to Idaho's ammonia rules employ best management practices to reduce ammonia emissions. DEQ, ISDA 2006 until terminated

Memorandum of Agreement Between the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho Relating to Air Pollution Episodes

The parties agree to cooperate to prevent negative human health effects resulting from air pollution episodes in Boundary County. DEQ, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho

2004 until terminated

Memorandum of Understanding Among the Bannock Planning Organization, Environmental Protection Agency, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, and the State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Establishes a cooperative effort among all parties to produce an approvable state implementation plan (SIP) for the Portneuf Valley PM10 Non-Attainment Area and to evaluate and amend, if necessary, the federal implementation plan (FIP) for the Fort Hall Non-Attainment Area. DEQ, BPO, EPA, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes 2000 until terminated
Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Relating to Implementing Title V of the Clean Air Act DEQ and EPA agree to a boundary of the Nez Perce Reservation for implementing the Clean Air Act. EPA will issue permits related to the Clean Air Act within the agreed-upon boundary of the Nez Perce Reservation. DEQ. EPA 2000 until terminated

Water Quality Agreements

Title Description Parties Effective Date
Ground Water Monitoring Project Agreement Between DEQ and the City of Emmett The parties agree to share records and information collected during the ground water monitoring project and to share the costs of the collection and analysis of such information. DEQ, City of Emmett August 21, 2015 until December 31, 2016
Extension Agreement for the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) Extends the date that final primacy revisions are due to EPA for the RTCR until February 13, 2017. DEQ, EPA February 17, 2015 until February 13, 2017
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Department of Lands, US Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management and the USDA, Forest Service Northern and Intermountain Regions Implementing the Nonpoint Source Water Quality Program in the State of Idaho (2013)

Documents cooperation between the parties to implement forestry-related nonpoint source water quality provisions of the federal Clean Water Act for the State of Idaho.

For additional information, see the 1993 MOU.

DEQ, IDL, BLM, USDA, USFS August 13, 2013 - August 13, 2018

Memorandum of Understanding Between DEQ and Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) Regarding Regulation of Byproducts and Wastewater from Cultured Dairy Production

Defines the roles of DEQ and ISDA relating to byproducts and wastewater from cultured dairy product (CDP) manufacturing, and describes circumstances for those who are land applying byproducts and wastewater who must obtain a reuse permit under the Recycled Water Rules.

DEQ, ISDA January 12, 2016 until January 12, 2021
Memorandum of Understanding Between DEQ and Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) Regarding Nitrate Priority Areas Establishes a plan for the payment costs associated with the trend analysis of nitrate concentration in ground water areas designated as Nitrate Priority Areas. DEQ, IDWR July 1, 2012, until March 31, 2013
Water Quality Environmental Performance Partnership Agreement, Calendar Year 2016 A performance partnership agreement (PPA) for DEQ's water quality programs. The PPA aligns the State of Idaho and EPA Region 10 priorities and defines expected environmental outcomes. DEQ, EPA Region 10 January 1 - December 31, 2016
Operating Agreement between DEQ and EPA Regarding the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program Defines and integrates rules, regulations, guidelines, policies, procedures, and activities to be followed by EPA and DEQ in administrating Idaho's Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan fund. DEQ, EPA November 15, 2011
Memorandum of Understanding between DEQ and Idaho Rural Water Association to Maximize Technical Assistance, Training, and Support for Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems in Idaho Promotes planning and implementation efforts in a unified manner, to promote consistency, to foster data sharing and effective transfer of information to reduce duplication of efforts, and to promote partnership opportunities between IRWA and DEQ. DEQ, IRWA October 4, 2011
Authorization Agreement between DEQ and EPA Regarding Issuance of EPA Inspector Credentials Under the Federal Clean Water Act Outlines the procedures by which DEQ inspectors may be authorized to conduct National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) inspections on EPA's behalf. DEQ, EPA July 25, 2011
Memorandum of Agreement Between DEQ and the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) to Conduct Sampling of Selected Statewide Monitoring Sites in Southwest Idaho Provides for IDWR to conduct sampling of selected statewide monitoring sites representative of aquifer conditions in source water assessment or protection areas in Southwest Idaho and for DEQ to reimburse IDWR for sampling and analytical costs. DEQ, IDWR July 6, 2011
Interagency/Intergovernmental Agreement for the Sediment Evaluation Framework Establishes a process for evaluating sediments proposed for dredging in the Pacific NW to ensure dredging projects are conducted in an environmentally sound manner. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division, EPA Region 10, National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, WDOE, WDNR, ODEQ, IDEQ January 13, 2010
Memorandum of Understanding—Post Falls Project Discharge Monitoring Plan Development and Data Review Provides for coordination and cooperation regarding development of the Monitoring Plan, review and inspection of data and reports generated by implementation of the plan, and appropriateness of the required 500/600 cfs discharge flows. DEQ, WDOE, IDFG, WDFW, Coeur d'Alene Tribe January 22, 2009
Memorandum of Understanding for Water Quality Standards Between the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 Establishes a process by which the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and DEQ work together to develop and revise water quality standards for EPA approval. DEQ, Sho-Ban, EPA September 25, 2008 until terminated
Idaho Ground Water Protection Interagency Cooperative Agreement Defines the roles of DEQ, IDWR, ISDA, ISCC, and the Health Districts in protecting ground water in Idaho. DEQ, IDWR, IDSA, ISCC, IASCD, Health Districts February 14, 2008 until terminated
Memorandum of Agreement for the Pend Oreille River TMDL Provides for coordination among parties in developing and completing temperature and total dissolved gas TMDLs for the shared waters of the mainstem Pend Oreille River.

DEQ, EPA, Washington Department of Ecology, Kalispel Tribe Natural Resources Department

May 2, 2005
Modification to the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Idaho Department of Lands, and the Idaho Transportation Department regarding Material Site Bk-142s, also known as "Highway Pond" Pursuant to the original 2001 MOU, the parties agree to delete the language in section V, paragraph 12 and replace it with the language contained in this modification. DEQ, IDL, ITD 2004 until terminated
Memorandum of Understanding: The Billingsley Creek Improvement Project Sets forth a working relationship among the parties to create wetlands and reduce sediment and nutrients in the Mid-Snake River. DEQ, NRCS, John W. Jones, Jr. 2004 -2006
Memorandum of Understanding between DEQ and the Idaho Division of Building Safety, Plumbing Bureau Specifies DEQ's and the Plumbing Bureau's statutory and regulatory duties and responsibilities regarding public water supplies, public water systems, sewage collection systems, sewage treatment facilities, and plumbing systems within Idaho. DEQ, Idaho Division of Building Safety/ Plumbing Bureau April 26, 2013
Montana and Idaho Border Nutrient Load Memorandum of Agreement Documents the parties' commitments and intent to protect and maintain water quality in Pend Oreille Lake by establishing and attaining nutrient loading goals and targets for the Clark Fork watershed in Montana and local sources in Idaho. States of Idaho and Montana 2001 until terminated

The Lower Boise River Effluent Trading Demonstration Project Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Environmental Quality, and the Soil Conservation Commission in the State of Idaho

Defines the roles of the agencies that will verify the credits purchased and used by National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitted sources choosing to participate in effluent trading in the Lower Boise River Watershed. DEQ, EPA, SCC 2001 - 2005 (can be extended)
Memorandum of Understanding: The LQ/LS Wetlands and Sediment Reduction Initiative Sets forth a working relationship between DEQ, TFCC, and IDFG to create wetlands and reduce sediment and nutrients in the Mid-Snake River. DEQ, TFCC, IDFG 2000-2005
Memorandum of Understanding Between Gooding County and the CAFO Site Advisory Team Relative to CAFO Sitings Defines the responsibilities of the county and the CAFO Site Advisory Team in evaluating CAFO applications. Gooding County, CAFO Site Advisory Team 2000 until terminated
Memorandum of Understanding Between Jerome County and the CAFO Site Advisory Team Relative to CAFO Sitings Defines the responsibilities of the county and the CAFO Site Advisory Team in evaluating CAFO applications. Jerome County, CAFO Site Advisory Team 2000 until terminated
Memorandum of Understanding Between Twin Falls County and the CAFO Site Advisory Team Relative to CAFO Sitings Defines the responsibilities of the county and the CAFO Site Advisory Team in evaluating CAFO applications. Twin Falls County, CAFO Site Advisory Team 2000 until terminated
Memorandum of Understanding Between Department of Environmental Quality and Health District Departments | Fact Sheet Defines the roles of DEQ and Idaho's seven Public Health Districts in regulating water pollution, sewage disposal, public water systems, and solid waste management facilities in Idaho. DEQ, Idaho PHDs 2013 until terminated
Memorandum of Agreement Between the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation [and] Bureau of Land Management and the State of Idaho, Idaho Water Resources Board [and] Idaho Division of Environmental Quality and the American Falls Reservoir District No. 2 and the Lower Snake River Aquifer Recharge District The parties will cooperate to conduct a project to determine the feasibility of recharging the Snake River Aquifer with flows from the Snake River under existing or new water rights. DEQ, BLM, IWRB, BOR, AFRD2, LSRARD, IDWR 2000-2005
Memorandum of Understanding Implementing the Nonpoint Source Water Quality Program in the State of Idaho, with appendices (1993) Outlines the roles and responsibilities of the management agencies in implementing the nonpoint source water quality provisions of the federal Clean Water Act for the State of Idaho, including appendices related to forestry (for additional information, see the 2013 MOU), mining, and agricultural pollution abatement. DEQ, EPA, IDL, IDWR, SCC, CES, SCS, ASCS, USFS, BLM 1993

Waste and Remediation Agreements

Title Description Parties Effective Date
Reuse Idaho Brownfields Coalition (RIBC) Agreement Defines the roles and responsibilities of DEQ and Economic Development District Region III needed to meet the business and technical responsibilities established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for coalitions receiving EPA grant funds to capitalize a Brownfield Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund. DEQ, Economic Development District Region III November 8, 2012 until terminated
Interagency Cooperative Agreement - Unpaved Roads Specifies how unpaved road surfaces in certain areas of Operable Unit 3 of the Bunker Hill Mining and Metallurgical Superfund Site will be remediated to serve as barriers to the release of stormwater, sediment, and dust containing heavy metal contamination. State of Idaho (DEQ), East Side Highway District (Kootenai County) August 13, 2012
Cost Sharing Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Bunker Hill Mining and Metallurgical Complex Superfund Site Operable Unit 1 & 2 Explains how costs associated with implementation of the Box Consent Decree will be shared among Hecla Limited, the State of Idaho, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency State of Idaho (DEQ), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Hecla Limited November 2, 2011
Security Assurance Agreement Establishes a process by which DEQ employees will be granted INL Site access and access authorizations to DOE-ID Site and contractor facilities. DEQ, U.S. Dept. of Energy October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2020
Interagency Agreement Between DEQ and the Basin Environmental Improvement Project Commission (BEIPC) Defines the roles and responsibilities of DEQ and the BEIPC for hiring and managing the BEIPC Executive Director position. DEQ and BEIPC March 7, 2011
Environmental Oversight and Monitoring Agreement between the U.S. Dept. of Energy and the State of Idaho Agreement in principle for oversight and monitoring functions through core activities designed to produce comprehensive, current information. State of Idaho (DEQ), U.S. Dept. of Energy October 1, 2015 until September 30, 2020
Funding Authorization Agreement Agreement to spend the balance of a Trust Fund resulting from a Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order for activities at the INL to construct a series of sediment basins and wetlands on I Coulie, an agricultural return drain on the Twin Falls Canal Company system. State of Idaho (DEQ), U.S. Dept. of Energy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May 21, 2010
Memorandum of Agreement Between the Idaho Cities: Sandpoint, Ponderay, Kootenai; Bonner County and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality for the Brownfields Assessment Coalition Grant Agreement between the Cities, County, and DEQ to efficiently administer the terms and conditions of the grant for conducting environmental assessments at properties associated with the creation of the Pend d'Oreille Bay Trail for public use and access along the shoreline of Lake Pend Oreille. DEQ, Cities of Sandpoint, Ponderay, Kootenai, Bonner County September 14, 2009 until terminated
Interagency Agreement Between DEQ and Salmon River Development Agency for the Beasley Site Cleanup Project Defines the roles and responsibilities of DEQ and the Salmon River Development Agency with respect to assessment and future cleanup activities at the former Beasley site. DEQ, Salmon River Development Agency August 24, 2009 until terminated
Memorandum of Agreement Between DEQ and Shoshone County for Site Access and Soil Placement Associated with the Shoshone County Airport Expansion Project Authorizes entry by Shoshone County on property owned by DEQ to place soil and fill materials under certain conditions. DEQ, Shoshone County July 27, 2009, until placement of soils and fill materials has been completed
Memorandum of Agreement Between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality for the Activities of the Underground Storage Tank Program Defines the roles and responsibilities of DEQ and EPA in administering and enforcing the UST program. DEQ and EPA February 28, 2012, until terminated (reviewed at least every three years)

Memorandum of Understanding Between the 3rd Ordnance Battalion (EOD) and the State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality

Addresses the roles and responsibilities of the parties during emergency response situations to minimize the risk to public safety; maximize the efficiency, safety, and speed of explosive treatment or retrieval; and establish a framework for assistance and cooperation. DEQ, 3rd Ordnance Battalion (DoD) 2004 until terminated

Interagency Cooperative Agreement

DEQ will provide funds and support to the Basin Environmental Improvement Commission to hire an executive director and will administratively support the executive director position. DEQ and BEIPC 2004 until terminated

Memorandum of Agreement Between the State of Idaho and the United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 10

Establishes policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the state of Idaho hazardous waste program as authorized under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). DEQ and EPA 2015 until terminated (reviewed yearly)
Memorandum of Understanding Between Department of Environmental Quality and Health District Departments Defines the roles of DEQ and Idaho's seven Public Health Districts in regulating water pollution, sewage disposal, public water systems, and solid waste management facilities in Idaho. Also see a related fact sheet. DEQ, Idaho PHDs 2013 until terminated