Northwest Fisheries Science Center

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From the Director

We are very fortunate to be living and working in a region as diverse and beautiful as the Pacific Northwest, known for its abundance of species and resources, marine and terrestrial habitats, and beneficial ecosystem goods and services. Since 1931, the Northwest Fisheries Science Center has been at the forefront of science needed to help conserve and manage living marine resources in the Pacific Northwest. The work of Center scientists and support staff has helped answer key questions on the management of NOAA's trust resources: How many fish of a certain species can be harvested without compromising the sustainability of that species? How can we improve the quality of fisheries and habitat data used in management decision-making? Which fish populations require protection under the Endangered Species Act and what factors have led to their decline?

In recent years, population growth and urban development, as well as probable effects of changing climate have put stress on the resiliency of many marine resources and on the ecosystems that support them. To adapt to new, emerging issues and concerns over impacts to ecosystem structure and function, the Northwest Fisheries Science Center strives for its science to be relevant, to support current and future resource management; responsive, timely and flexible enough to address new issues; reliable, based on peer-review and verifiable sound science; and respected, with a history of performance that builds trust in its quality. By following these attributes, the Center's approach to science will ensure the flow of information that will help unravel the unknowns in fisheries and ecosystem science that are relevant to resource managers, decision-makers, and the public.

I hope you enjoy exploring our website. It will give you a taste of the high quality of science we do that supports NOAA Fisheries' mission to conserve our valued marine resources, and demonstrates our dedication to delivering the best science we can in addressing the most important natural resource questions facing NOAA and society.