Wednesday, January 18, 2017

S2S Prediction Task Force


The OAR Climate Program Office’s Modeling, Analysis, Predictions and Projections (MAPP) Program has organized the Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction Task Force to advance NOAA’s and the Nation’s capability to model and predict sources of S2S predictability. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to help close the gap in prediction skill and products between traditional weather and seasonal lead times.

The core membership of the Task Force is comprised of MAPP-supported scientists from universities, research laboratories, and NOAA centers and laboratories funded through the fiscal year 2016 MAPP–National Weather Service (NWS) Science and Technology Integration (STI) grant competition "Research to Advance Prediction of Subseasonal to Seasonal Phenomena". Members of the Task Force also include MAPP-funded scientists participating in the Subseasonal Experiment, SubX, an interagency research project to test subseasonal prediction models for NWS operations selected via a MAPP-NOAA Climate Test Bed competition, as well as invited scientists from across the community with interest and expertise in the S2S prediction problem.

Through monthly teleconferences, the Task Force provides a formal mechanism for MAPP-supported PIs to share new datasets, methodologies, and results, as well as to ultimately synthesize their collective efforts through technical reports, review articles, journal special collections and engage with the rest of the community via workshops and meeting sessions. The Task Force collaborates and coordinates with ongoing national and international S2S prediction, research, and applications efforts, such as the NOAA NWS/STI Weeks 3-4: Improving Mid-range Weather Outlooks Initiative, the US Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) Predictability, Predictions, and Applications Interface Panel, and World Meteorological Organization Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project.

The S2S Prediction Task Force is a three-year effort starting September 2016.


➜ Relevant MAPP Program PIs and selected additional invitees.

Elizabeth Barnes (Lead), Colorado State University
Edmund Chang (Co-Lead), Stony Brook University
Paul Dirmeyer (Co-Lead), George Mason University/COLA
Andrea Lang (Co-Lead), University at Albany


To view the full Participants list, please visit the Participants page.


For the abstracts of S2S and SubX projects funded from MAPP's FY16 competitions, please click here.

S2S Prediction Task Force Terms of Reference

  • The MAPP Program Management has selected one lead scientist and three co-leads for the Task Force.
  • MAPP Program management oversees Task Force activities, working with the leads.
  • All PIs supported through the MAPP FY16 S2S research competition are expected to participate in the Task Force, as described in their proposals. Otherwise, participation in the Task Force is by invitation.
  • Most of the Task Force work will be conducted remotely via telecons or virtual meetings, or through meetings of opportunity.

MAPP Task Force Concept and Terms of Reference

News & Events

NOAA Research plays key role in advancing subseasonal extreme weather and climate prediction

Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Representatives from academia, government, and the private sector recently concluded a two day NOAA-supported workshop on improving understanding and prediction of extreme weather and climate from two weeks to a season ahead (subseasonal to seasonal). This workshop followed a kickoff meeting for a new NOAA Research-organized Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction Task Force.  

Advancing the Prediction of Subseasonal to Seasonal Phenomena

Monday, October 03, 2016

NOAA’s Modeling, Analysis, Predictions, and Projections (MAPP) program—in partnership with the National Weather Service’s Office of Science and Technology—is funding 14 new three-year competitively funded projects involving $5.5 million in grants and $1.2 million in other awards.

The Modeling, Analysis, Predictions, and Projections (MAPP) Program's mission is to enhance the Nation's capability to understand and predict natural variability and changes in Earth's climate system. The MAPP Program supports development of advanced climate modeling technologies to improve simulation of climate variability, prediction of future climate variations from weeks to decades, and projection of long-term future climate conditions. To achieve its mission, the MAPP Program supports research focused on the coupling, integration, and application of Earth system models and analyses across NOAA, among partner agencies, and with the external research community.

Learn more...

Download our program brochure (pdf). 

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