Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Air Quality Permitting Preapplication Process

What Facilities Need to Know and Do
Before Submitting a Permit Application

Any business or industry (source) in Idaho that emits, or has the potential to emit, pollutants into the air may be required to have an air pollution control permit from DEQ. Permits are issued for new sources and for existing sources which are undergoing a modification.

DEQ is committed to issuing air quality permits in a timely manner and employs a staff of engineers devoted to this task. Facilities, too, play a key role in the timely development and issuance of air quality permits. Timeliness depends upon completeness of information—DEQ must have all necessary information before its engineer can determine an application complete and then begin to develop the permit. To ensure your application is complete, follow this process before submitting the application:

1.  Complete and Submit a Preapplication Form

The preapplication form is designed to aid DEQ in understanding a facility's process (i.e., the end product and the processes involved in making the end product) and a facility's project (i.e., change to any or all of the processes involved in the manufacturing process). DEQ needs to have the process and project descriptions at least one week in advance of scheduling a preapplication meeting. A preapplication meeting will not be scheduled without the applicant supplying this information. Once you have completed the Preapplication Form, mail or email it to the address below.

Mail or email completed preapplication form to:

Darrin Pampaian
Permit Program Coordinator
DEQ State Office
Air Quality Division
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706

2.  Schedule a Preapplication Meeting with DEQ

To schedule a preapplication meeting, contact DEQ's Permit Program Coordinator, Darrin Pampaian, at (208) 373-0587 or (In subject line, put "Preapplication Meeting Request."). The meeting will be scheduled within a week or so of receipt of the Preapplication Form. This will allow time for DEQ to prepare for the preapplication meeting. The following topics will be discussed at this meeting:

  • Overview of DEQ Responsibilities, including steps in the development of a permit and associated timelines
  • Overview of Applicant Responsibilities, including actions necessary to meet emissions inventory, modeling, and federal regulatory requirements
  • Overview of Application Package Content, including applicable forms and supporting documentation required to ensure the application is complete

3. Prepare for the Preapplication Meeting

Before meeting with DEQ, review the following documents:

4.  Attend Preapplication Meeting

Come with all available information in hand and any questions. A computer and large monitor are available in each conference room. Bring a thumb drive if you’d like to present your project electronically. All required application forms and guidance materials are available on DEQ’s website and will be available for viewing electronically at the meeting. Hard copies of application forms will not be provided by DEQ.

DEQ recommends that the following representatives attend the meeting:

  • facility plant manager
  • responsible official
  • environmental contact
  • any other staff responsible for day-to-day compliance with permit conditions

DEQ will have the permit coordinator, a modeler, and a permit writer at the meeting.  

Plan on the meeting lasting for up to two hours. When you leave the preapplication meeting, you should have a clear idea of what you need to do to ensure your application is complete and can be efficiently processed.