Protecting Public Health and the Environment.

Guidance and Fact Sheets for Public Water Systems

Guidance and fact sheets are provided to assist public water systems in understanding and complying with the requirements of rules and regulations impacting their operations. Some of the documents were developed by DEQ, while others originate with EPA.

Cross-Connection Control

Contracting for Engineering Services

Ground and Source Water Protection

  • Implementation Guidance for the Drinking Water Program—Ground Water Rule  (May 2009)
    Provides a concise summary of the ground water rule for water system owners and operators who need to learn about their obligations under this rule. The ground water rule is designed to protect public water system customers from microbial contamination in ground water by requiring sanitary surveys and correction of significant deficiencies identified during those surveys.
  • Protecting Drinking Water Sources in Idaho (April 2007)
    Provides guidance on how to develop a drinking water protection plan; guides systems through the five-step process for assessing source water, from forming a planning team to developing a contingency plan and planning for future drinking water sources.

Mercury Seals

Monitoring and Reporting

  • Guidance on Preparing Idaho Consumer Confidence Report
    Provides assistance to public water systems in preparing Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs); includes CCR template and certificate.
  • Monitoring Waiver Guidance (February 2011)
    Explains the conditions under which public water systems may apply for waivers from monitoring for certain contaminants and the process by which DEQ and/or the public health districts may grant waivers.

Compliance with Rules and Regulations

Source Water Protection

  • Protecting Drinking Water Sources in Idaho (April 2007)
    Explains how to develop a drinking water protection plan from forming a planning team to developing a contingency plan and planning for future drinking water sources.

STEP Guides

These Simple Tools for Effective Performance (STEP) guides offer clearly stated, step-by-step information to help small systems better understand complex regulatory requirements or policy initiatives.

Waste Residuals

DEQ State Office - Water Quality Division

1410 N. Hilton
Boise, ID 83706
(208) 373-0502

Staff Contacts

Water Quality Division Administrator
Barry Burnell
(208) 373-0194

Drinking Water Program Manager
Jerri Henry
(208) 373-0471