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Previous Notices Relating to SERVCON

  • 11/19/2004  The Commission will be relocating the SERVCON servers beginning at 7:00 a.m. on Friday, November 19, 2004.  As a result, the SERVCON system will be unavailable from 7:00 a.m. Friday, November 19, 2004, until 7:00 a.m. Monday, November 22, 2004.  Filers will be able to resume filing on Monday, November 22, 2004.  If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Mamie H. Black, Director, Office of Service Contracts and Tariffs on 202-523-5856.

  • 10/25/2000   Site Down Time: The Service Contract Filing System will be down on 26 Oct from 7pm until 27 Oct 10am for upgrades.  Please excuse the inconvenience.  If you have any questions please contact the Webmaster.

  • 10/16/2000   Site Down Time:  The Service Contract Filing System will be down this evening from 6 - 10pm for upgrades. The site will also be down on 20 Oct starting at 6pm until 23 Oct at 7am for upgrades.  Please excuse the inconvenience.  If you have any questions please contact the Webmaster.

  • 10/31/2000   Starting Nov 2 Internet Explorer users will no longer need to type a domain name into the Domain field. You will need to leave this field blank.  If you still have questions email the  Webmaster.

  • 05/23/2000   Currently, the FMC is upgrading the security on the Internet Service Contract Filing System. During this time, your account will not function. An FMC representative will be calling you shortly with new account information. Please E-mail our Webmaster with your comments or questions.

  • 03/23/2000   Due to an enhancement to the Internet Service Contract Filing System (Servcon), it is now possible to file notices pursuant to C.F.R. ยง530.9 -- Notices. Please CLICK HERE to learn how to use these new filing screens. Please E-mail our Webmaster with your comments or questions.

  • 02/22/2000   Upgrades will be performed on the ServCon server 2/23/2000. Services will be affected with intermittent disconnects during file transfers and/or periods of site unreachability. We apologize for any inconvenience these upgrades may cause. Work is anticipated to be completed by 1800 hrs EST on 02/23/2000.

  • 02/01/2000   Some ISPs are encountering network difficulties which affect may potentially affect the security required for uploading files. Not all users are experiencing difficulties and those who are experience them intermittently. This may manifest itself as a "500 error" if the upload fails. We are investigating the causes and attempting to devise alternate solutions to work around this networking issue.

  • 01/01/2000   The Servcon system has had its security upgraded. There have been reports that some users of Microsoft's Internet Explorer may be experiencing difficulties in filing contracts where they had none before.

    We recommend downloading the newest version of Netscape and this will alleviate any issues you may be experiencing. If you cannot/or wish not to upgrade to Netscape, contact us for a workaround which does *not* require a change to your current software.

    If you experience these or other system issues, please feel free to contact us with your comments and questions. We appreciate your patience while we improve operations and security.



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