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U.S. Department of State

Diplomacy in Action

Bureau of International Organization Affairs

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Date: 04/12/2011 Description: Cote d'Ivoire © UN Image Date: 02/28/2011 Location: Geneva, Switzerland Description: Secretary Clinton speaks at a press conference at the United Nations Office at Geneva, Switzerland.  © State Dept ImageEric Bridiers Date: 04/12/2011 Description: Syrian protests © AP Image Date: 04/07/2011 Location: UNESCO Paris Description: DipNote Blog: UNESCO Youth Forum Application Process Open. © AP Image

The Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO) is the U.S. Government’s primary interlocutor with the United Nations and a host of international agencies and organizations. As such, the Bureau is charged with advancing the President’s vision of robust multilateral engagement as a crucial tool in advancing U.S. national interests. U.S. multilateral engagement spans the full range of important global issues, including peace and security, nuclear nonproliferation, human rights, economic development, climate change, global health, and much more.

The United States Supports the Arms Trade Treaty
Secretary Kerry (March 15):
The United States looks forward to working with our international partners at the upcoming conference from March 18-28 to reach consensus on an Arms Trade Treaty that advances global security and respects national sovereignty and the legitimate arms trade. We supported and actively participated in negotiations on an Arms Trade Treaty held at the United Nations in July 2012. Those negotiations made considerable progress, but ended before a treaty could be concluded. Accordingly, the United States supported a UN General Assembly resolution December 24, 2012 to convene the conference this month to build on those efforts. Full Text»

Date: 03/10/2013 Description: 2013 Internet Freedom Fellows sitting on the steps of the U.S. Capitol during their visit to Washington, DC, March 10, 2013. - State Dept Image2013 Internet Freedom Fellows
The U.S. Department of State welcomes the 2013 Internet Freedom Fellows to Washington, DC, March 10-13. This program, in its third year, is sponsored by the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva and brings online journalists, and human rights activists from across the globe to meet with fellow activists, U.S. and international government leaders, members of civil society, and the private sector to engage in discussions on freedom of expression, Internet freedom, technology, and human rights. The 2013 Internet Freedom Fellows are: Mac-Jordan Disu-Degadjor of Ghana; Michael Anti of China; Edetaen Ojo of Nigeria; Grigory Okhotin of Russia; Usamah Mohamed of Sudan and Bronwen Robertson of New Zealand. Full Text» More Information»

International Women’s Day 2013 
Secretary of State John Kerry joins those around the world in recognizing International Women's Day on March 8. In a statement, Secretary Kerry said:

Date: 12/20/2007 Location: Allahabad, India Description: Indian women hold hands as they take part in a rally to create awareness against the practice of female feticide. © AP Image"Yet, despite the significant gains women and girls have made, too many challenges and barriers remain. In far too many places, women continue to be excluded from the ballot box and political leadership, and from land ownership and credit markets. In far too many places, girls are still kept home from school or are forced into early marriage. Too many women are being silenced, abused, or subjected to violence simply because of their gender. Many are risking their lives in the pursuit of justice. Their courage must inspire us to continue to work toward a world where every woman can live free of violence and pursue her fullest potential.”

U.S. Delegation to the 57th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
The Department of State is pleased to announce the U.S. Delegation attending the 57th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, to be held March 4 through 15, 2013 at UN Headquarters in New York.

  • Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Head of Delegation.
  • Ambassador Elizabeth Cousens, U.S. Representative on the UN Economic and Social Council, Deputy Head of Delegation.
  • Sharon Wiener, Acting Ambassador at Large for Global Women’s Issues, U.S. Department of State, Deputy Head of Delegation.

They will be accompanied by six public delegates and two private sector advisors. Learn More»

Paula Schriefer Delivers Remarks at the Side Event of the 22nd Session of the Human Rights Council
Date: 02/28/2013 Location: Geneva, Switzerland Description: Deputy Assistant Secretary deliver remarks at a side event of the 22nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council. © UN Image
Deputy Assistant Secretary Schriefer (Feb. 25): “The legal empowerment of women and ensuring their access to justice is an important priority for the United States. Women in the United States fought long and hard to achieve laws that protect women from discrimination based on gender and we enjoy the benefits of a justice system that can enforce these laws. While the prevention and prosecution of violence against women is but one aspect of achieving gender equality, it is a critically important one and the passage of the Violence Against Women Act in 1994 by the U.S. Congress created a paradigm shift in how the issue of violence against women is addressed nationwide in the United States.” Full Text»

Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer's Travel to Boston
Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer traveled to Boston, Massachusetts, on February 28. While in Boston, Assistant Secretary Brimmer participated in a roundtable hosted by the Anti-Defamation League, followed by a luncheon on U.S. multilateral engagement and foreign policy with students and faculty at Tufts University’s Fletcher School for Law and Diplomacy. Dr. Brimmer also met with members of the United Nations Association of Greater Boston for “Tea and Conversation” about U.S. multilateral priorities. She concluded her trip with a discussion of “America’s Role in a Globalized World” with students from Harvard University’s Future of Diplomacy Project. For updates, follow Assistant Secretary Brimmer on twitter @State_IO.

Esther Brimmer Presents U.S. Priorities at UN Human Rights Council 22 Opening
Date: 02/26/2013 Location: Geneva, Switzerland Description: Assistant Secretary Brimmer addressed the High Level Segment of the 22nd Session of the United Nations High-Level Segment February 26. © UN Image
Assistant Secretary Brimmer (Feb. 26): "But as I speak here today for the first time since the United States was elected to a second term on the Human Rights Council, I must say that for all these achievements, the work of the Council remains unfinished, so long as any of us cannot exercise those fundamental rights that we all share by virtue of our common humanity. It is toward those unfinished tasks that we must devote ourselves in this twenty-second session, and beyond." Full Text»

Assistant Secretary Brimmer Remarks to UNESCO WSIS+10 Ministerial Panel
Assistant Secretary Brimmer (Feb. 25):
"At the same time, we cannot deny that our progress toward bridging the digital divide and promoting a global innovation society would have been seriously hampered, had we not ensured that our international telecommunications infrastructure remains open and accessible to all. The power of information and communications technologies to spur economic and social development has depended on the ability of people everywhere to engage with one another, to create, utilize, and share information, to achieve their fullest potential." Full Text»

Assistant Secretary Brimmer’s Travel to Paris and Geneva
Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer traveled to Paris, France, February 25 to represent the United States at UNESCO’s 10-year review event for the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS+10). Assistant Secretary Brimmer served as head of delegation and delivered the U.S. statement on WSIS+10 at the high-level debate. February 26, Assistant Secretary Brimmer then traveled to Geneva, Switzerland, for the commencement of the 22nd Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC). While in Geneva, Assistant Secretary Brimmer delivered the U.S. intervention at the opening session February 26, to lay out U.S. priorities at the HRC. For updates, follow Assistant Secretary Brimmer on twitter @State_IO.

First-Ever International Forever Stamp Unveiled at the United Nations
Date: 02/21/2013 Description: First-ever International Forever Stamp © U.S. Postal ServiceThe U.S. Postal Service released its first ever global stamp at the United Nations headquarters in New York

Ambassador Torsella (Feb. 21): "This gorgeous stamp reinforces that truth. The United States remains committed to the idea of cooperation with our international partners – in this case to facilitate international postal communications. At a time when some customers question the future of the postal sector as we know it, this stamp is a symbol of the U.S. Postal Service’s enduring and laudable commitment. The Global Forever stamp unveiled today is another important step in a global network of communication and commerce that reflects American values, serves American interests, and helps America prosper." Full Text»

Food Security and Minimizing Post-harvest Loss
Under Secretary Robert Hormats (Feb. 19):
"The scale of post-harvest food loss is tragic. Nearly one-third of global agricultural production never makes it to the consumer or arrives in poor condition. Beyond the threat to food security, post-harvest losses adversely affect farmers and consumers in the lowest income groups. And, post-harvest food losses are a waste of valuable farming inputs, such as water, energy, land, labor, and capital. Having lived in East Africa earlier in my life, I saw the magnitude of post-harvest food losses in that region, and the tragic repercussions for human hunger, loss of farmer income, and harm to economic growth."  Full Text»

U.S. Announces Additional Funding in Response to Syria Crisis
Feb. 19:
The United States is providing an additional $19 million in humanitarian assistance in response to urgent needs emanating from the brutal conflict in Syria. On January 29, President Obama announced an additional $155 million to help those suffering inside Syria and refugees in the neighboring countries. Today’s announcement brings the United States total contribution of humanitarian support in response to this crisis to nearly $385 million. Full Text»

Meeting the President’s Challenge To End Extreme PovertyDate: 10/09/2008 Location: Bornet, Kenya Description: Kenyan boys harvest maize. © AP File Photo
DipNote Posted by Jonathan Shrier and Lona Stoll (Feb. 17): "In many places, people live on little more than a dollar a day. By standard definition, this means less than $1.25 a day. That won't buy a latte, let alone a healthy lunch here in the United States. Hunger and poverty are inextricably linked. Through Feed the Future, we're working to achieve the President's vision to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger in our lifetime. This is our generation's legacy to leave. And reducing poverty is more than just a goal: It's achievable, and we are already seeing results." Full Text»

Strengthening UN Relations

Secretary Kerry (Feb. 14): "So we’re grateful for the leadership that is exhibited by the Secretary-General, and I am committed on behalf of President Obama to make certain that we strengthen our relationship with the UN even further in the years ahead." Full Text»



Joint Statement by the India - U.S. Joint Working Group on UN Peacekeeping
Date: 02/13/2013 Description: Members of the U.S. and the Indian Delegation pose after their morning meetings for the U.S. Joint Working Group on UN Peacekeeping at the State Department. - State Dept ImageFollowing is the text of a joint statement issued by the United States of America and the Government of India at the conclusion of the India – U.S. Joint Working Group on UN Peacekeeping, on February 13, 2013 in Washington, DC:

The India-U.S. Joint Working Group on UN Peacekeeping, which was given greater impetus by the meeting between President Obama and Prime Minister Singh in November 2010, held its 10th meeting in Washington on February 13, 2013. The Indian delegation was led by Ministry of External Affairs Joint Secretary for United Nations Political Affairs Pavan Kapoor, and comprised officials from the Indian Ministries of External Affairs, Defence, and Home Affairs. The U.S. delegation was led by Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer, and comprised officials from the U.S. Departments of State and Defense. At the meeting, India and the United States advanced a number of goals laid out in the Declaration of Principles the Joint Working Group agreed upon in 2011. The Joint Working Group also continued in-depth consultations on UN peacekeeping issues, and explored an agreement on a set of Principles of India-U.S. Cooperation in the Area of Training UN Peacekeepers and institutional arrangements between their peacekeeping institutions. 

State Department Contributes an Initial $171 Million to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Date: 10/01/1999 Location: Dili, East Timor Description: East Timor: Return of Internally Displaced Persons.  A UNHCR worker prepares repatriation kits which are distributed to returnees. The kits include plastic sheeting, a blanket, a gerrycan and soap.  © USUN Image
Washington, DC (Feb. 11): The United States is pleased to announce an initial contribution of over $171 million toward the 2013 operations of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). This year’s initial contribution funded through the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, will support UNHCR efforts worldwide. This funding includes support for refugees returning to countries such as Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo; local integration and resettlement; and protection and life-saving assistance. U.S. funding supports the provision of water, shelter, food, healthcare, and education to refugees, internally displaced persons, and other persons under UNHCR’s care and protection in countries such as Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Georgia, Colombia, South Sudan, and Kenya. Full Text»

Secretary Kerry Calls UN Secretary-General Ban
Date: 02/05/2013 Description: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks by telephone with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon from his Inner Office at the Department of State in Washington, D.C., February 5, 2013. - State Dept Image
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks by telephone with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon from his Inner Office at the Department of State in Washington, DC, February 5, 2013.


The United Nations Wants to Hear From You!
Vote For The Changes that Would Make the Most Difference to Your World

Date: 02/07/2013 Description: UN My World logo. © USUN Image

The United Nations and partners want to hear from YOU! MY World is a global survey asking you to choose your priorities for a better world. Results will be shared with world leaders in setting the next global development agenda. Tell the United Nations about the world you want, because your voice matters. Learn More»


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