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Economic and Social Sciences Research

Data Collection
Publications and Posters
Economic Status Reports


Alaska Fishing Communities




Wholesale Market Profiles for Alaska Groundfish and Crab Fisheries

Economic Status Reports for Alaska groundfish and crab fisheries

Alaska Fishing Community Profiles, Snapshots, and maps for commercial, recreational, and subsistence fishing activity

The primary mission of the Economic and Social Sciences Research Program is to provide economic and sociocultural information that will assist NMFS in meeting its stewardship responsibilities.

Activities in support of this mission include:

  • collecting economic and sociocultural data relevant for the conservation and management of living marine resources
  • developing models to use that data both to monitor changes in economic and sociocultural indicators and to estimate the economic and sociocultural impacts of alternative management measures
  • preparing reports and publications
  • participating on NPFMC, NMFS, and inter-agency working groups
  • preparing and reviewing research proposals and programs
  • preparing analyses of proposed management measures
  • assisting Alaska Regional Office and NPFMC staff in preparing regulatory analyses
  • providing data summaries

Many of these are cooperative activities conducted with other scientists at the Center, other NMFS sites, the NPFMC, other natural resource agencies, and universities. Currently, the research topics being addressed cooperatively by program staff and scientists at the University of Washington, the University of Alaska, and the University of California, Davis include regional economic impact models, behavioral models of fishing operations, indicators of economic performance, and the non-market valuation of living marine resources.

Staff anthropologist working with commercial fisherman A hanging brailer of Tanner crabs Distance photo of the UNISEA plant in Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Recent Publications, Poster Presentations, Reports & Activities

  • Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2013
    HIMES-CORNELL, A., and A. N. SANTOS. 2017. Involving fishing communities in data collection: a summary and description of the Alaska Community Survey, 2013. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-340, 195 p.  Online.
  • Net Economic Impacts of Recent Alaska Salmon Fishery Failures and Federal Relief. North American Journal of Fisheries Management
    SEUNG, C., B. MUSE, and E. WATERS. 2016. Net Economic Impacts of Recent Alaska Salmon Fishery Failures and Federal Relief. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 36:351–362.  Online.
  • Big Data From a Big Fishery: Using Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) to Characterize Trips by Catcher Vessels in the Bering Sea Pollock Fishery
    Conference:  American Fisheries Society, 145th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, Aug 2015
    (2015 poster, .pdf, 1.58 MB)   Online.

  • FishSET Spatial Economics Toolbox for Fisheries
    Conference:  Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK, Jan 2014
    (2014 poster, .pdf, 4.57 MB)   Online.

  • Advances in the Stock Assessment and Fisheries Evaluation–Economic Status Report

  • Division Research Reports and Activities

See the publications and poster databases for additional listings.

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