Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Interagency Partnerships

In recent years, the landscape of climate science and service networks has expanded. Agencies such as the Department of Interior and US Department of Agriculture have established regionally-based climate networks: the USGS Climate Science Centers, USFWS Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, and USDA Regional Climate Hubs. At the federal level, agencies work to coordinate our programs and communicate the value of and need for increased regional capacity. Representatives from RISA, the USGS CSCs, USFWS LCCs, and USDA Hubs at the national level meet regularly to work towards improved coordination at the federal level and better understanding of regional coordination initiatives. In early 2015 we released Coordinating regional support for natural resource management in a changing environment. This document describes our programs, how we coordinate, and details a suite of case studies of coordinated projects in regions around the country.

This national level coordination has grown into a sustained partnership, and we are continually seeking to learn from people in the networks out in the regions about their partnerships and coordination on the ground. From this dialogue, we’ve developed an evolving set of principles:
  • We support diverse partnership arrangements for science and engagement with users, but will strive to fill gaps in and streamline access to science and service capacity.
  • We will build capacity to translate and broker information and services, striving to avoid unnecessary duplication of science and service.
  • We will seek to provide knowledge, tools, and information for poor and underserved populations.
  • We will clearly distinguish between science produced for research and development and science produced by operational offices of the Federal government, particularly when the information could be used for regulatory purposes.
  • We aim to foster conversations in a trusted space where people can openly discuss challenges and opportunities within these partnerships.
We will continue to foster a dialogue at the national level and out in the regions to leverage our investments in science and service as we work towards improving the resilience of the nation to climate.

Click here to download “Coordinating regional support for natural resource management in a changing environment” [web version] [print version]