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Three Trends That Are Shaping the Future of #Housing
Low down payments: It is different this time.
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Interested in buying a fixer-upper or building from scratch? Tackle your housing projects in one of America's top 10 cities where land value exceeds property value to get the biggest bang for your buck!

In these 10 metropolitan markets, land accounts for more than half of a home's total value. Find out what nine of them have in common.|By Yuqing Pan

Spending money is easy; saving it is hard... but doable! Check out today's blog for resources to get you on the right track and into a new home. #NewHome17

If your resolution is to get into a new home this year, it's important to understand how to manage your money. In fact, this knowledge is valuable in any case.|By Freddie Mac

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Today is an opportunity to celebrate the legacy of MLK by giving back to your community. Find out where you can volunteer:

2017 Martin Luther King Jr Day of Service

Do you live in the two-thirds of the country where it’s more affordable to buy a home than to rent one?

TGIF! While we may not be able to tell you what's in store for the rest of Friday the 13th, we CAN tell you what happened in the news the past week! Check out a roundup of articles related to the mortgage market, housing and the broader economy.

Check out our summary of some of the week's most interesting housing headlines. Whether you're looking to buy, rent, or refinance, there's news of note for you.|By Freddie Mac

Understanding your credit score is one thing, but building good credit is another. Learn how to use credit wisely to get one step closer to purchasing a home. #NewHome17

Our Building Better Credit guide lays out the steps you can take to establish and maintain good credit, as well as improve your credit today.|By Freddie Mac

Mortgage rates move lower for the second week in a row.

After absorbing a mixed December jobs report; the 10-year Treasury yield fell 8 basis points. The 30-year mortgage rate moved in tandem with Treasury yields falling 8 basis points to 4.12 percent, the second decline since the presidential election. The December jobs ...

Credit scores can be intimidating, which is why it’s even more important to understand them – especially if your resolution is to get into a new home this year!

Your credit score is a vital piece of a lender's credit decision, influencing the credit that's made available to you and the terms that you're offered. How is your score calculated?|By Freddie Mac

Mortgage rates move lower for the first time in 10 weeks.

The 30-year mortgage rate fell this week for the first time since the presidential election, dropping 12 basis points to 4.20 percent. This marks the first time since 2014 that mortgage rates opened the year above 4 percent. Despite this week's breather ...

To rent, or to buy, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to enjoy freedom from maintenance and protection from house price declines, or to take pride in ownership and have the opportunity to create equity. Uncertainty, instability – no more.

Both renting and buying have a lot of pros. Meet them now.|By Freddie Mac

Happy New Year! Are you looking for a new home in 2017? Start your search with these four questions.

If your resolution is to move to a new place this new year, answering these key questions can help put you in the right home:|By Corporate Communications & Marketing VP Sharon McHale

Want to sound smart at your New Year's Eve party? Check out this week's Housing Headlines and you can drop some knowledge while the ball drops.

It's been a quiet week in advance of the New Year's holiday, but housing stories were still making headlines. We've collected some of the highlights in our weekly summary.|By Freddie Mac

Don't let 2016 end without catching up on our top blog posts of the year. With tips on down payments and qualifying for a mortgage, it's the best gift you'll receive all week... and you don't even have to bribe us with milk and cookies.

Here's the list, we've checked it twice. 2016's top 10 blog posts of your delight.|By Freddie Mac

Year-round, our Community Crew volunteers give back in the communities where they live and work.

When we make our mission personal, we change people's lives. Follow along as our Community Crew volunteers give back and help Andrea Morgan in her journey to peace, joy and home.|By Freddie Mac

We're proud that we've made home possible nearly 73 million times since we were founded in 1970.

This holiday season, we take time to be thankful for what matters most: home and family. Home and family are at the heart of what we do at Freddie Mac, helping families buy, rent and keep their homes.|By Freddie Mac

It's cold out there. Here's how to save money while saving heat.

There are dozens of ways a homeowner can reduce their heating bills. Here are fives ways that provide a good return on investment, are fairly easy to accomplish and are relatively inexpensive when compared with other energy improvements.|By Fran J. Donegan
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