The National Academies Press

Review of WIC Food Packages: Improving Balance and Choice: Final Report
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Review of WIC Food Packages:
Improving Balance and Choice: Final Report
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The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) began 40 years ago as a pilot program and has since grown to serve over 8 million pregnant women, and mothers of and their infants and young children. Today the program serves more than a quarter of the pregnant women and half of the infants in the United States, at an annual cost of about $6.2 billion. Through its contribution to the nutritional needs of pregnant, breastfeeding, and post-partum women; infants; and children under 5 years of age; this federally supported nutrition assistance program is integral to meeting national nutrition policy goals for a significant portion of the U.S. population.

To assure the continued success of the WIC, Congress mandated that the Food and Nutrition Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reevaluate the program's food packages every 10 years. In 2014, the USDA asked the Institute of Medicine to undertake this reevaluation to ensure continued alignment with the goals of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. In this third report, the committee provides its final analyses, recommendations, and the supporting rationale.


Publication Info

1200 pages | 6 x 9
ISBN: 978-0-309-45016-4
DOI: 10.17226/23655

Table of Contents

skim chapter
Front Matter i-xiv
Summary 1-14
1 Introduction and the Processfor Revising the WIC Food Packages 15-44
2 The WIC Program: Changes Since the Last Review and Continuing Challenges 45-98
3 Alignment of the Current Food Packages with Dietary Guidance, Special Dietary Needs, and Cultural Eating Practices or Food Preferences 99-144
4 Nutrient and Food Group Intakes of WIC Participants 145-198
5 Nutrient and Food Group Priorities for the WIC Food Packages 199-236
6 The Revised Food Packages 237-280
7 Evaluation of Cost 281-302
8 Sensitivity Analysis for Food Package Nutrient, Food Group, and Cost Models 303-336
9 How the Revised Food Packages Meet the Criteria Specified 337-362
10 The Regulatory Impact Analysis (Abridged) 363-402
11 Recommendations for Implementation and Research 403-420
Appendix A Abbreviations 421-426
Appendix B Glossary 427-436
Appendix C WIC Food Package Regulation 437-444
Appendix D Details of the Committee's Information-Gathering Strategies 445-472
Appendix E USDA-Funded Studies of the 2009 Food Package Changes 473-484
Appendix F Changes in the WIC Food Packages and Program Participation 485-490
Appendix G Barriers to Participation and Redemption 491-496
Appendix H Kosher and Halal Substitution Options 497-500
Appendix I Complementary Feeding: Summary of Information Reviewed 501-506
Appendix J Nutrient and Food Intake of WIC Subgroups: Analytical Methods and Results 507-622
Appendix K Study Design Strategies for Reducing the Effects of Selection Bias in Studies Comparing WIC Participants to Others 623-626
Appendix L Gap Analysis 627-634
Appendix M Behavioral Approaches in WIC as a Potential Action 635-638
Appendix N Comparison of Current and Revised Food Packages 639-652
Appendix O Specific Nutrient Comparisons 653-658
Appendix P Food Specification Detail 659-672
Appendix Q Foods and Food Specifications That Were Reviewed, But Not Changed 673-684
Appendix R Development of the Food Package Nutrient and Cost Profiles 685-712
Appendix S Sensitivity Tests and Results 713-754
Appendix T Amounts of Food Groups and Nutrients Provided by the Current, Compared to the Revised WIC Food Packages 755-806
Appendix U The Regulatory Impact Analysis (Complete) 807-908
Appendix V Committee Biosketches 909-914



Suggested Citation

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2017. Review of WIC Food Packages: Improving Balance and Choice: Final Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23655.

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