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Budget & Funding

Budget & Funding

PPPO integrates and coordinates planning and budget support for Environmental Management activities at both the Portsmouth and Paducah sites, reducing the life-cycle costs of projects and accelerating the cleanup of environmental legacies in a safe and compliant manner.

Budget is the projected cost of doing the work in a given fiscal year.
Funding is the appropriated funds ($) allotted to do the work for that fiscal year.
Programs are adjusted when funding does not meet the program budget.

Working closely with the Department of Energy’s headquarters, local contractors, federal project directors, regulators and its advisory boards, PPPO prioritizes, plans, and measures the performance of its operations and contractors. Planning future work requires balancing and prioritizing risks within available funding levels to perform cleanup across both cleanup sites.

Major Responsibilities:
  • Executing PPPO’s lifecycle planning, baseline development, and configuration control.
  • Establishing and implementing project management systems to track and report contractors’ cost and schedule performance.
  • Formulating and submitting budget requests to support the federal budget process.
  • Ensuring Congressional appropriations are obligated to contracts and appropriately used to accomplish PPPO’s mission.
  • Meeting all external reporting requirements on local projects, including earned value data, performance measures, and milestones. These are the major tools used to measure the progress of cleanup work and evaluate contractor performance.