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Topic Results by Date

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Document 032785
Losing Time: Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease Behind Bars [Webinar]
By Hongo, Aileen; Hughes, Barry; Levine, Ron; Iszler, Bernie. National institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington, DC).
Dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, is difficult to detect in a population often afflicted with other mental illnesses and maladaptive social behaviors. During this interactive webinar we will explore how symptoms and behaviors can be misconstrued and identify environmental risk factors that can contribute to costly accidents and injury for inmates with dementia. We will also take an in-depth look at the Gold Coat program based at the California Men's Colony State Prison in San Luis Obi... Read More

62 minutes
Document 031200
Confabulation in Correctional Settings: An Exploratory Review
By Brown, Jerrod; Hesse, Mario L.; Rosenbloom, Michael; Harris, Blake; Weaver, Jason; Wartnik, Anthony; Concepcion, Erwin; Mertz, Chris; Weinkauf, Erg; Oberoi, Pamela; Kolakowsky-Hayner, Stephanie A..
This article addresses a little understood issue in corrections—confabulation. "Confabulation can be described as a disruption in normal memory function, whereby the individual unintentionally distorts or fabricates imaginary or non-experienced events without intent to deceive or lie … In other words, individuals who inaccurately integrate incorrect information into their memory and/or subsequently present such information as fact are demonstrating confabulation … Individuals who confabulate are... Read More

8 pages
Document 025885
The Effects of Solitary Confinement: Commentary on One Year Longitudinal Study of the Psychological Effects of Administrative Segregation
By Smith, Peter Scharff. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The author comments on research done by the Colorado Department of Corrections and the University of Colorado’s Department of Psychology concerning the effects of solitary confinement. Sections of this article include: the Colorado study; why available research was not used the authors of the Colorado study; available European studies on the effects of solitary confinement; social contact and contamination across groups; whether the study participants were harmed by solitary confinement prior to... Read More
11 pages
Document 021374
Improving the Response to Offenders with Mental Illness Through Mental Health and Criminal Justice Collaboration
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Proceedings from hearings regarding mentally ill offenders are provided. Contents of this publication include: executive summary; outline of proceedings; opening remarks and introduction; hearing panel -- setting the context -- the increasing number of people with mental illness under corrections supervision -- origins of the problem and key strategies for addressing it; hearing panel -- case studies of state and local mental health and corrections collaboration; summary of day's proceedings; D... Read More
183 p.
Document 018604
Effective Prison Mental Health Services: Guidelines to Expand and Improve Treatment
By Hills, Holly; Siegfried, Christine; Ickowitz, Alan. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Mental Health Association (Alexandria, VA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
"[H]istorical , legal, and ethical issues relevant to dealing with mental illness in the field of corrections" are discussed (p. iii). Chapters include: introduction; screening and assessment; mental health and substance abuse treatment; use of seclusion, segregation, and restraints; suicide prevention; treating women offenders; psychopharmacological intervention for psychiatric disorders; transitional services; treatment of special populations (e.g., persons with mental retardation or developme... Read More
91 p.
Document 017857
Commission on the Status of Mental Health of Iowa's Corrections Population
Community Corrections Improvement Association (Cedar Rapids, IA); Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Princeton, NJ); Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (Cedar Rapids, IA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Council of State Governments (Lexington, KY). State Public Policy Group, Inc. (Cedar Rapids, IA) .
The effects of an increasing number of offenders with serious mental health problems are investigated. Sections of this report include: executive summary; introduction and purpose; methodology/overview of effort; hearings summary; findings; and the survey report which identifies unfulfilled mandates, non-uniform performance, a sense of urgency for problem solution, the desire for community-based correctional settings, and overwhelming support for solutions existing within Iowa's correctional sy... Read More
39 pages
Document 016721
Correctional Health Care: Women Offenders [Lesson Plans and Participant's Manual]; Prison Health Care: Women Offenders
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
The unique challenges of providing health care to women incarcerated in adult facilities are discussed during this 20-hour training program. Sections of this manual cover: objectives and overview; managing women offenders; litigation issues; health issues; mental health issues; creating infrastructure; substance abuse and women; co-occurring; infectious diseases; crisis intervention; and final action plans.... Read More
2 v. (v.1 - ca. 185 p., v.2 - ca. 175 p.)
Document 012934
Proceedings of a National Forum on Creating Jail Mental Health Services for Tomorrow's Health Care Systems
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Mental Health Services (Washington, DC).
This report on the proceedings of the first national forum on mental health services in jails contains copies of the remarks made by the speakers and summaries of each session of the meeting. The forum resulted from a strong concern about the numbers of mentally ill persons in correctional facilities. Areas of focus included mental health services in San Francisco Sheriff's Department facilities, and special mental health and substance abuse issues for women.... Read More
75 p.
Document 012252
Concept Paper for a National Forum on Creating Jail Mental Health Systems, San Francisco, CA, November 9-10, 1994
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). Policy Research Associates (Delmar, NY); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Mental Health Services (Washington, DC).
This concept paper examines mentally ill offenders and their special needs that must be addressed when they come in contact with the criminal justice system. The various points of contact are with police, jails/lockups, prisons, probation and parole, and diversion programs. Some principles for successful mental health services and prospects for federal initiatives are discussed. Finally, there is a section describing the Center for Mental Health Services program which illustrates the hom... Read More
96 p.
Document 008754
Jail Diversion for the Mentally Ill: Breaking Through the Barriers
By Steadman, Henry J.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Coalition for the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System (Seattle, WA).
A conference was held on April 2, 1990 that brought together mental health, correctional, and law enforcement professionals to address issues surrounding the mentally ill person who comes in contact with the local jail. Research and program reviews from which the conference deliberations developed are provided. Four categories identified and examined are: screening and evaluation; crisis intervention; treatment; and transfer/discharge planning. ... Read More
133 p.
Document 009271
Special Needs Inmates: A Survey of State Correctional Systems
By Hall, Marie. National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO). Illinois Dept. of Corrections (Springfield, IL).
The Illinois Department of Corrections conducted a survey of all 50 states to determine the prevalence of inmates who have special medical or mental health needs. Within the 31 states responding, .08 percent to 8.2 percent of prison inmates fell into various special housing categories. These categories included chronic illness, terminally ill, advancing age, ambulation difficulties, and mental health problems.... Read More
34 p.
Document 005425
Basic Guide to Mental Health Services in Jails: The Workbook
By Lloyd, Lillis M.. Correctional Management Consultants (Phoenix, AZ); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Areas addressed include history of mental health in jails, major types of mental disorders, personality disorders, suicide awareness/prevention, and liability and negligence. Length of training is sixteen hours. Audience includes correctional professionals such as officers, mental health staff, social workers, counselors, nurses, and intake and classification workers. The training package consists of a one-volume manual.... Read More
120 p.
Document 032713
Review of the Literature on Jail Diversion Programs and Summary Recommendations for the Establishment of a Mental Health Court and Crisis Center within Douglas County, Kansas
By Severson, Margaret; Matejkowski, Jason.
"In the late 1990s, jail diversion programs, many especially geared toward those with mental health challenges, began to emerge around the country. New and modified diversion strategies have also been implemented in the last 15 years. These are highlighted and reviewed in the pages that follow. The Douglas County Correctional Facility shares the fate of many detention centers around the country … the literature review that follows is designed only to inform strategies that might result in more e... Read More

35 pages
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