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Continuing Authorities Program

After completion picture of Hamilton County's Streambank Protection Project Culverts and stream channelization was installed/constructed to reduce flood risk to residential homes and businesses in Jonesborough, Tenn. Congress has given the Corps of Engineers authority to plan, design, and construct small projects for flood risk management, emergency streambank and shoreline protection, ecosystem restoration, and navigation improvements without specific Congressional authorization.

Before the Federal Government can participate in implementing a project, the Nashville District must conduct a two phase study. The first phase is reconnaissance. This phase is used to make a preliminary determination whether there is federal interest in further studying the problem. The reconnaissance phase is completed upon the signing of a Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement by the Nashville District and the cost-share sponsor. By signing the FCSA, the second phase can be initiated, called a feasibility study. This study evaluates a wide range of alternatives and recommends the best solution from economic and environmental perspectives.