Staff & Contributors

Executive Leadership Team

Amy Luers (OSTP)
Fabien Laurier (USGCRP)
Michael Weiss (NOAA)
with additional contributions from the State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience

Site Development

David Herring (NOAA/CPO), Program Manager
Jim Fox (NEMAC), Content Manager
Ned Gardiner (NOAA/CPO), Content Strategist

Design & Web Development

Caroline Dougherty (NEMAC), Site Design/Web Developer
John Frimmel (NEMAC), Programmer/Web Developer
Richard Rivera (NOAA/CPO), Programmer/Web Developer
Mike Myers (NOAA/NCEI), Programmer/Web Developer

Systems Programming

Jeff Hicks (NEMAC), Programming and Data Analytics
Mark Phillips (NEMAC), Programming and Data Analytics

Editorial Team

Nina Flagler Hall (NEMAC), Managing Editor/Science Writer
LuAnn Dahlman (NOAA/CPO), Managing Editor/Science Writer
David Herring (NOAA/CPO)
Jim Fox (NEMAC)
Ned Gardiner (NOAA/CPO)

Science Writers

Emily Greenhalgh (NOAA/CPO)
Matt Hutchins (NEMAC)
Ian Johnson (NEMAC)
Rebecca Lindsey (NOAA/CPO)

Video Production Team

Ned Gardiner (NOAA/CPO), Executive Producer/Director
Alicia Albee, Producer
Bruce Sales (2Bruce Studio), Post Production
Robert Klein (Klein Digital), Motion Graphics

Training Courses

Marina Timofeyeva (NOAA/NWS), Editor
Jenna Meyers (NOAA/NWS)
Nancy Cofer-Shabica (NOAA/OCM)

IT System Engineering

Kyle Levitan (NOAA/NCEI), IT Manager
DeeDee Anders (NOAA/NCEI), IT Manager
Mike Duncan (NOAA/NCEI), IT Security

webLyzard Search System

Arno Scharl (webLyzard, MU Vienna), Team Lead
Michael Föls (webLyzard, WU), Drupal Search Module
Max Göbel (webLyzard, WU), Knowledge Extraction
Albert Weichselbraun (webLyzard, HTW Chur), Knowledge Extraction
Alexander Hubmann-Haidvogel (webLyzard, MU Vienna), Search API
Walter Rafelsberger (webLyzard), Visualization

Arctic Subject Expertise

Sarah Abdelrahim (DOI), Team Lead
Jane Beitler (National Snow and Ice Data Center)
Michelle Davis (EPA)
Terry Chapin (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Patricia Cochran (Alaska Native Science Commission)
Hernan Garcia (NOAA)
Steve Gray (USGS)
Margaret Herzog (BIA)
Libby Larson (NASA)
Jeremy Littell (USGS)
Vanitha Sivarajan (DOI)

Built Environment Subject Expertise*

Nancy Beller-Simms (NOAA/CPO), Team Co-Lead
Jesse Michael Keenan (Harvard University/Community Resilience Panel), Team Co-Lead
Lauren Marshall (U.S. Forest Service), Team Co-Lead
Adrienne Antoine (NOAA/CPO)
Daniel Bader (Columbia University)
Joseph A Baietti (HUD)
Shawn Balon (American Society of Landscape Architects )
Lindsay Brugger (American Institute of Architects)
Katharine Burgess (Urban Land Institute)
Stephen Cauffman (NIST)
Joseph DeAngelis (American Planning Association)
Garrett Fitzgerald (USDN)
Jennie Gallardy (DHS/FEMA)
Radley Horton (NASA /Columbia University)
Alexandra Hay (American Society of Landscape Architects)
Erin Hoffman (DHS/FEMA)
Heather Holsinger (DOT)
Cooper Martin (National League of Cities)
Saharnaz Mirzazad (ICLEI)
Ronda Mosely (Public Technology Institute)
Christopher Niewold (NPS)
Elle O’Casey (NPS)
Julia Phillips (Argonne National Laboratory)
Jay Raskin (Jay Raskin Architect)
Jim Schwab (American Planning Association)
Krista Sherwood (NPS)
Priya Shrinivasan (City of New York)
Pete Smith (Arbor Day Foundation)
Linette Straus (American Society of Landscape Architects)
Megan Susman (EPA)
Richard N. Wright (American Society of Civil Engineers)
*Organized as part of the Community Resilience Panel for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems, supported by NIST in partnership with DHS, HUD, FEMA, EPA, NOAA, and USACE.

Coastal Subject Expertise

Doug Marcy (NOAA/OCM), Team Lead
Joshua Murphy (NOAA/OCM), Co-Lead
Kathleen White (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Hilary Stockdon (USGS)
Adam Stein (NOAA/OCM)
Maria Honeycutt (NOAA/OCM)
Jodie Sprayberry (NOAA/OCM)

Ecosystems Subject Expertise

Jonathan Smith (USGS), Team Lead
Sarah Abdelrahim (USDOI), Content Coordinator

Energy Subject Expertise

Craig Zamuda (DOE), Team Lead
Jae Chung (CEQ)

Food Expertise

Deb Peters (USDA), Team Lead
Ann Bartuska (USDA), Co-Lead
Tawny Mata (USDA), Editing/Science Writing

Health Subject Expertise

John Balbus (NIEHS), Team Lead
George Luber (CDC), Co-Lead
Andria Cimino (NIEHS), Editing/Science Writing

Marine Ecosystems Subject Expertise

Jay Peterson (NOAA/NMFS), Team Lead
Roger Griffis (NOAA/NMFS), Co-Lead
Wendy Morrison (NOAA/NMFS Sustainable Fisheries)
Britt Parker (NOAA/NOS Coral Reef Conservation Program)
Mike Rust (NOAA/NMFS Aquaculture)
Mike Jepson (NOAA/NMFS Social Sciences)

Transportation Subject Expertise

Art Rypinski (DOT), Team Lead
Brennan Conway (GSA), Co-Lead
Rob Hyman (FHA)
Jae Chung (CEQ)

Tribal Nations Subject Expertise

Margaret T. Herzog (BIA), Team Lead
Sean Hart (BIA)
Susan Wotkyns (NAU ITEP)
Kathy Lynn (PNW TCC Network)
Margaret Hiza Redsteer (USGS)
Chris Caldwell (CMN SDI)
Garrit Voggesser (NWF)
Michael Brubaker (ANTHC CCH)
Michele Davis (EPA)
Ed Knight (Swinomish Tribe)
T. M. Bull Bennett (Kiksapa Consulting, LLC)
Bruce Stein (NWF)
Carson Viles (PNW TCC Network)

Water Subject Expertise

Nancy Beller-Simms (NOAA/CPO), Team Lead
Emily K. Read (USGS)
Nate Booth (USGS)

Water Resources Dashboard Contributors

Nancy Beller-Simms and Tamara Houston (NOAA), Co-Leads
Wayne Higgins, Richard Rivera, Kathryn Gilbert, Jon Gottschalk, Michael Halpert (NOAA)
David Rouse, Jim Schwab (American Planning Association)
Adam Carpenter (American Water Works Association)
Erica Brown (Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies)
Claudio Ternieden (Water Environment Federation)
Lauren Fillmore, Katy Lackey (Water Environment Research Foundation)
Kenan Ozekin (Water Research Foundation)

Thanks & Acknowledgments

Steve Ansari, Jordan Beauregard, Jae Chung, Peter Colohan, Erin Derham, Rick Driggers, Olivia Ferriter, Sarah Gibson, Dr. John Hall, John Keck, Caitlyn Kennedy, Kurt Mann, Jacob Radford, Dave Stroud, and Brian Ziffer

Last modified: 6 July 2016 - 3:45pm