Fire Weather News
In October, 2016, the NWS no longer had the Google Maps license that allowed us to display the map interface that originally was on this site. In order to comply with the requirement that we remove that particular map display, we substituted another, which is the display currently on this site. Most products that you were used to seeing on the old map are on the new map as well, but how to get to them is different. We have received lots of feedback and we want you to know that we have contacted our web developers to make modifications to this map so that it is easier to navigate and more user friendly. We will also put out a new “how to use this site” page soon. We apologize for having to change the map and we apologize for any frustration this may have caused. Rest assured, we have heard you loud and clear and we are working to improve this site.
Thank you – National Weather Service Fire Weather Team

Today's Outlook
Day 1 Fire Weather outlook
Tomorrow's Outlook
Day 2 Fire Weather outlook
Day 3-8 Outlook
Day 3 through Day 8 Fire Weather outlook