• Fiscal Year Deductible Changes and - Questions & Answers

    All GIC Employee and non-Medicare Retiree/Survivor health plans include a deductible. This is a fixed dollar amount you must pay before your health plan begins paying benefits for you or your covered dependent(s). The deductible is on a fiscal year to make it easier for members to change health plan carriers at Annual Enrollment.

  • Dependent Ages 19 - 26

    An overview of various coverage scenarios for dependents age 19 to 26.

  • Divorce, Legal Separation and Remarriage

    An overview of your GIC coverage is affected by divorce, separation and remarriage and your reporting responsibilities. See Qualifying Status Change FAQs below for information on adding a new spouse to coverage.

  • Employment and Eligibility

    An overview of your eligibility for GIC coverage as a new hire, and under various employment scenarios.

  • Flexible Spending Account

    Answers to Frequently Asked questions about Flexible Spending Account benefits – the Health Care Spending Account and the Dependent Care Assistance Program – for state employees.

  • General Benefit and Eligibility Questions

    An overview of benefit eligibility and where to find benefit details including provider, gym membership discounts, and other information not included on this website.

  • GIC Retired Municipal Teachers

    Answers to frequently asked questions by GIC Retired Municipal Teachers (RMTs).
  • Layoff from Municipality Service

    An overview of your health plan options when you are laid off from a municipality.

  • Layoff from State Service

    An overview of your health plan and other benefit options when you are laid off from the state.

  • Leave of Absence

    An overview of your health options under paid and unpaid leaves of absence.

  • Leaving Municipal Service

    An overview of your health options when you leave employment with a municipality.

  • Leaving State Service

    An overview of your health and other benefit options when you leave employment with a state agency.

  • Life Insurance

    Answers  to common questions about the GIC life insurance program for state employees, retirees, and former state employees

  • Long Term Disability FAQs

    An overview of state employee LTD program benefits, enrollment, and the claims process.

  • Medicare

    An overview of Medicare, when to enroll, and GIC Medicare Plan enrollment.

  • Municipal Group Insurance Reform Questions and Answers

    State law permits cities, towns, and other c. 32B entities such as regional school districts to transfer their employees, retirees, survivors, and dependents to the GIC for health insurance. Two parts of chapter 32B - Section 19, enacted as Chapter 67 of the Acts of 2007, and Sections 21-23, enacted as Chapter 69 of the Acts of 2011 - have different options for municipalities seeking GIC coverage. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about the two options.

  • New Municipal Member

    Answers to questions specific to new municipal members joining GIC health coverage.

  • Non Qualifying Life Events

    Answers to questions about how to change your address, health plan and drug formulary changes during the year.

  • Qualifying Life Events and Your Options

    An overview of how moving, marriage, new dependents, involuntary loss of coverage and other qualifying events affect your GIC options.

  • Retirement

    An overview of health and other GIC benefit options at retirement.

  • Retirement Checklist for State Employees

    State employees follow these steps for retirement made easy.

  • Retirement Checklist for Municipal Employees

    Municipal employees follows these steps for retirement made easy.

  • Survivors

    An overview of survivor benefits and eligibility.

  • Tax Forms

    All employees and non-Medicare retirees and survivors who have GIC health insurance coverage will receive a 1095-B form this winter.  These FAQs provide additional information on this form.

  • Turning Age 65

    An overview of what you and your spouse need to do when you or your spouse turns age 65.

  • UniCare OME Prescription Drug Frequently Asked Questions

    The prescription drug coverage for Medicare-eligible retirees and their Medicare-eligible spouse and/or dependents in the GIC’s UniCare State Indemnity Plan/Medicare Extension (OME) is provided by SilverScript.  The plan combines a standard Medicare Part D prescription drug plan with additional coverage provided by the GIC.  See these FAQs answers to questions about this prescription drug plan.

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